
What role does language play in the sciences, humanities and arts? What is it used for? When does it challenge us to think or rethink about conventions?

Das Bild zeigt eine Gruppe von orangefarbenen Lautsprechern, darunter ein einzelner blauer Lautsprecher, der deutlich aus dem Ensemble hervorsticht.

Language plays a key role in everyday scientific and artistic life. It is employed for writing essays and books, giving lectures and discussing with colleagues. For artists, talking about their works is part of professional communication. Researchers and artists reflect on their use of language when they try to convey scientific facts or the aesthetic experience of works of art to other people.


On the occasion of the 2025 Bundestag elections, members of Die Junge Akademie's Research Group "Language" are organising with the "AG Sprache in der Politik" an interdisciplinary conference in Berlin on 10 and 11 February 2025, which will focus on language and rhetoric, but also provide a social, political and media context for the topic.

The event will be held in German.


Workshop „Einfach schwierig?“ ('Simply difficult? Complexity and simplicity in scientific language')

The Die Junge Akademie's Research Group "Language" will meet on 9 October 2024 in Munich for the workshop "Simply difficult?" to reflect on complexity and simplicity in scientific language use. In addition to short member presentations and discussions, there will be an evening lecture by linguist Dr Franziska Wallner (University of Leipzig).


participating Members

participating Alumnae / Alumni
