Publications 131 results
The current issue of the Junge Akademie Magazine is all about ‘borders’. This year's issue sheds light on how the drawing and crossing of boundaries characterises our society and science, and invites readers to explore the dynamic between control and openness from different perspectives.
Berlin 2025
Science Communication
As part of the ‘Science Communication’ project, members of Die Junge Akademie are developing guidelines for science communication by scientists.
Berlin 2024
"Bridging the Gap": How scientific advice for environmental policy can succeed
In the fall of 2023, members of Die Junge Akademie’s Research Group “Sustainability” held a round table discussion with 13 political decision-makers on how research on environmental issues influences their work and to what extent environmental policy reforms are guided by scientific findings.
Berlin 2024
Leitlinien für unbefristete Stellen an Universitäten neben der Professur
Die Junge Akademie und die Mitgliedergruppe Universitäten der Hochschulrektorenkonferenz veröffentlichen gemeinsam die „Leitlinien für unbefristete Stellen an Universitäten neben der Professur“
Young Academies' Call for Action: Reaffirming the Role of Fundamental Sciences
Die Junge Akademie joins the call of 30 other international Young Academies and organisations that emphasise the importance of fundamental research in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Statement zur Novelle des Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz
Kein Gesamtkonzept, keine flankierenden Maßnahmen: Gesetzesentwurf zur Novelle des WissZeitVG steigert weder Attraktivität noch Planbarkeit der wissenschaftlichen Karriere
Expedition Anthropocene
As part of the "Expedition Anthropocene" project, six members of Die Junge Akademie travelled to Ecuador from 22 February to 9 March 2020. They have recorded their experiences and findings in a publication of the same name.
Berlin 2024
Manifesto „Reclaiming Europe“
Die Junge Akademie and the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW), together with partner institutions, publish the manifesto "Reclaiming Europe" on the social and political role and responsibilities of the sciences and humanities in relation to Eastern Europe.
Democracy and Science
Under the title "Demokratie & Wissenschaft" ("Democracy and Science"), the JAM #30 deals with the connections and interaction between these pillars of society.
Berlin 2024
Vom Lern-Muffel zum Lern-Ninja
Mit dem Übergang zur Sekundarstufe beginnt für Kinder und Jugendliche die Notwendigkeit, selbstorganisiert zu lernen. Dieser Comic zeigt Kindern und Jugendlichen zwischen zehn und vierzehn Jahren, wie einfach das gelingen kann.
Internationalisierung im Fokus: Innenansichten aus dem deutschen Wissenschaftssystem
Internationalisation, quo vadis? Members of the Research Group Internationalisation conducted focus group interviews with 17 stakeholders within the German academic landscape. The results of the qualitative analysis of these discussions are summarised in this contribution to the debate.
Berlin 2023
The board of the German Young Academy declares its solidarity with partners and colleagues from Israel Young Academy
The board of the German Young Academy declares its solidarity with partners and colleagues from Israel Young Academy. We wish to express our support and our solidarity.
Children's book „Young Scientists“
Together with Carl Hanser publishing house, Die Junge Akademie has published the children's book "Young Scientists - 30 Forschende und ihre Wege in die Wissenschaft".
Berlin 2023
WissZeitVG: a response to the key points paper of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Die Junge Akademie publishes a response to the key points paper of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research on the German Fixed-Term Academic Contracts Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz, WissZeitVG).
Berlin 2023
A look at challenges facing the agrifood system
Members of Die Junge Akademie’s Research Group “Sustainability” have published a contribution to the debate on the food transition. Titled “Die Zukunft der Ernährung in Europa: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven” [The Future of Food in Europe: Interdisciplinary Perspectives], the team of authors examines what it considers to be necessary changes in the agrifood system.
Berlin 2023
Under the title "Ungesagtes" ("Unspoken"), the five articles and one discussion deal with aspects that one would tend to contrast with and deduct from the ideal of objectivity of science as "subjective" parts. On the one hand, it is about what the researching subject brings into the scientific work in often subtle ways: own views, emotions, values, personal beliefs. On the other hand, the influence of everything subjective on human behavior is itself also a topic of research.
Berlin 2023
2023 – one day, one day at a time: Calendar 2023
Beyond its organisational function as a yearly planner, Die Junge Akademie's 2023 calendar titled "2023 - one day, one day at a time" invites us to reflect on time and its patterns as integral parts of all life on earth.
Berlin 2022
Board of Die Junge Akademie condemns violence at universities in Iran
The Board of Die Junge Akademie strongly condemns the excessive violence against peacefully demonstrating students, academics and staff on the Sharif University of Technology campus in Iran's capital Tehran last weekend. We clearly oppose infringements of the rights to freedom of expression, academic freedom, and discrimination of any kind.
Views on the German Fixed-Term Academic Contracts Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz, WissZeitVG)
Die Junge Akademie proposes measures to improve the plannability of careers in science.
Berlin 2022
Freundschaft: Kalender 2022
Ideal, Utopie und Notwendigkeit? Der aktuelle Kalender widmet sich dem Thema „Freundschaft“: ein Plädoyer für die Verbindungen von Wissenschaft und Kunst zur Gesellschaft.
Berlin 2021
Image / Language
Science is inconceivable without language. But what about images? In six articles, the new Junge Akademie Magazin explores this question from different perspectives. Additionally, the poster page poses the question, solely through pictures, of what influence such simple images as emojis have on our ideas of science and of scientists.
Berlin 2021
Change of roles
We all change roles in different life situations. This is not different in science, as the Covid-19 situation shows particularly clearly with regard to the role of scientists, for example as communicators and advisors of politicians. But role changes are also omnipresent as an object of science. Issue 27 of JAM approaches the topic from different perspectives.
Berlin 2020
Anreiz-Problematiken in der Wissenschaft
Mitglieder der Jungen Akademie fordern, gängige Leistungsindikatoren im Wissenschaftssystem zu überdenken und zeigen mögliche Wege zur Verbesserung von Arbeitsbedingungen und Erhöhung von Qualitätsstandards auf.
Berlin 2020
Berlin 2020
Vom Guten im Schlechten: Kalender 2021
Unser neuer Kalender „2021 – Vom Guten im Schlechten“ mit zwölf wissenschaftlichen Betrachtungen und einer Werkserie von Julian Charrière ist erschienen: ein Plädoyer für die Wissenschaften, die Kunst und ihre Verbindungen zur Gesellschaft.
Berlin 2019
Berlin 2019
What would the sciences be without controversy - after all, science is also a competition of theses, methods and ideas. This is the starting point for the new issue of the JAM, which is devoted to dissent between various disciplinary perspectives. To this end, we have compiled strategies for effective debates from a wealth of historical disputes in science. There is also room for controversy over the redesign of the JAM, which is being published in this issue, for the first time, as a poster.
Berlin 2019
Academic Freedom
Die Institution
Berlin 2017
Das Theater
Berlin 2016
Essen 2016
Nutrition – On a Knife-Edge
The Research Group ‘Sustainability’ has decided to focus more on the topic of food and agricultural practices.
Fremdenliebe – Fremdenangst
Zürich 2016
Borders – Overcoming Obstacles
Editorial decisions are subject to their own laws. When we decided on “borders” as the focus of the dossier for the Junge Akademie Magazin, we had no way of knowing what a hot topic it would become by the time we went to press. And so, in light of border fences, border controls and maximum limits, our magazine is practically as current as a daily publication.