• Accessibility


This declaration regarding accessibility pertains to the website of Die Junge Akademie published at the URL www.diejungeakademie.de (including the mobile version). We are committed to optimising accessibility for our websites and mobile applications in accordance with the regulations set out in the German Federal Law for the Equality of People with Disabilities (Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz – BGG) and the Regulation for Accessible Information Technology (Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung – BITV 2.0) regarding the implementation of the Directive (EU) 2016/2102.

Current state of compliance with the requirements

The requirements regarding optimised accessibility are derived from Section 3, Paragraphs 1 to 4 and Section 4 of the BITV 2.0, which were decreed on the basis of Section 12d of the BGG.

The assessment of compliance with the requirements is based on a self-assessment performed from 18/08 to 25/08/2022 with the Google Chrome plug-in “Lighthouse”. The result is as follows:

  • Accessibility: 100
  • Best Practices: 100
  • SEO: 99

Some aspects (e.g. Content) can only be checked to a certain extent within the scope of the self-assessment at hand. Therefore, our commitment to website and content optimisation is ongoing. Some of the contents listed below are not optimised for accessibility for the following reasons:

Images: Not all images have alternative text.

  • Videos: There are no videos available with sign language.
  • Podcasts: Not all linked podcasts have a transcription version.
  • PDF documents: Not all PDF documents are optimised for accessibility.
  • Use of Simple Language: There are no explanations provided in Simple Language yet.

Optionally accessible contents

The following measures are planned for optimising accessibility.

  • Images: Missing alternative text for image files is to be added by 31/01/2023.
  • Use of Simple Language: Explanations in Simple Language are to be added to the page “About Us” by 31/12/2023.

The following contents were realised with the intention to provide a level of digital accessibility which exceeds the legal requirements:

  • Use of animation: Animation can be disabled.
  • Use of colour: Some colours of the CI have slightly too little contrast. In this case, the contrast can be increased in the menu.

Date of creation or last update of the declaration

This declaration was created and last updated on 06/09/2022.

Report barriers to accessibility: Contacting the relevant persons

Do you wish to notify us of existing barriers to accessibility or receive information regarding the implementation of accessibility optimisation? Please contact us by email or by telephone with your feedback or for any other information:

Die Junge Akademie Office Dr. Alexandra Heidle-Chhatwani Jägerstraße 22/23 10117 Berlin Email: office@diejungeakademie.de Phone: +49 30 241899-100


If no sufficient solution is achieved subsequent to the provision of your feedback to the above point of contact, you may contact the Arbitration Office in accordance with Section 16 of the BGG. The BGG Arbitration Office is tasked with supporting extra-judicial mediation between people with disabilities and public offices of the federal government in cases of conflict regarding accessibility optimisation. Arbitration is free of charge. No legal counsel must be involved.

Further information regarding arbitration and the possibilities for application submissions are available at: www.schlichtungsstelle-bgg.de.

You may contact the BGG Arbitration Office directly at info@schlichtungsstelle-bgg.de.