• Become a member

Become a member

Die Junge Akademie stands for the promotion of outstanding young academics and artists, interdisciplinary work, and work at the intersections between science, art and society. It offers its members access to a wide, continually growing network as well as an attractive platform and financial means for implementing joint interdisciplinary projects.

Key Visual der Zuwahlkampagne 2023

News: 2025 Election

The 2025 election will be organised by die Junge Akademie. The call for applications for 2025 is scheduled to be published on 2 September 2024 and applications are possible until mid-November 2024. If you have any questions, please contact Yvonne Borchert, Academic Coordinator at die Junge Akademie: zuwahl@diejungeakademie.de.

2024 Election

The 2024 election has been carried out by the supporting academies of Die Junge Akademie, namely the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. The newly elected members will be officially admitted 22 June 2024.


The members of Die Junge Akademie belong to different scientific disciplines and art and are elected for a term of five years. They are united by their passion for joint intellectual work and interdisciplinary exchange, and for tackling unsolved problems by trying new things and assuming new perspectives.

Die Junge Akademie offers its members a safe space for collaboration. It provides them access to a wide and continually growing network of excellent researchers and artists as well as to collaboration opportunities in national and international working groups and academy committees such as ALLEA. Additionally, the members of Die Junge Akademie are supported financially. Funding is provided for collaborative scientific and artistic projects such as events and publications. Furthermore, each member is granted access to a personal budget which may be used for expenses such as coaching programmes, literature procurement, conference attendance, exhibits and exhibition catalogues or research trips.

Membership criteria for Die Junge Akademie

Membership of Die Junge Akademie is intended for outstanding young academics and artists with an independent research profile or a unique artistic identity.

In addition to a completed doctorate or a qualifying artistic project, at least one further outstanding scientific or artistic achievement is expected. The members should represent their field with innovation, passion and the ability to hold interdisciplinary discussions. They should also have the time for active membership.

Die Junge Akademie benefits from having diverse perspectives and views flowing into its work. It is thus its goal to acquire members with experience that is as diverse as possible. Neither German citizenship nor main place of residence in Germany are necessary requirements for acceptance. However, members must have good knowledge of the German language. Furthermore, Die Junge Akademie expects its members to actively participate in the academy’s events, which take place primarily in Germany. The willingness and ability to participate must be credibly demonstrated.

Selection procedure

Die Junge Akademie always has 50 members. Every year, ten members leave and ten new members are accepted. The annual selection takes place alternately via the supporting academies of Die Junge Akademie – the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina – and via Die Junge Akademie itself.

For elections carried out by the supporting academies in even-numbered years, the members of the supporting academies, Die Junge Akademie, and further stakeholders in the scientific system are asked to nominate suitable candidates the year before. Self-applications are not possible in these years.

In uneven-numbered years, Die Junge Akademie is responsible for the election process, which is carried out with self-applications on the part of candidates following a public call for applications. This call for applications is typically published in early September of the year before the election. Applications can be submitted through an application platform. In uneven-numbered years, the election commission is made up of members of Die Junge Akademie representing as many different scientific fields and artistic areas as possible. The election commission carefully examines the submitted applications and uses a two-step selection process to select ten candidates, who are then nominated to the plenum of Die Junge Akademie for the election. The commission is committed to taking aspects of diversity as well as the equitable treatment of disciplines into account.