Research Groups 11 results
As a platform for early career researchers from a wide range of disciplines and arts Die Junge Akademie offers diverse possibilities for interdisciplinary exchange. An important goal for Die Junge Akademie is to be involved at the intersection between science and society and to encourage dialogue via various, sometimes unconventional formats.
Publications, parlour games, calendars, symposia or artistic interventions – member activities are defined neither by content nor methodological limits. This structural freedom is reflected in the members’ varying forms of expression. The core of Die Junge Akademie has been, since its founding, the Research Groups (RGs) – over 40 of which are as old as the academy. Topics and goals were and are as diverse as the members themselves. The RGs are all innovative, experimental, interdisciplinary and diverse. At the plenary sessions, which take place three times a year, the objective is to find a majority for the implementation of a plan and start work at once.
Engaged Science
The Research Group Engaged Science addresses (individual and institutional) scientific practices, role understandings, conflicts and dilemmas and aims at a cross-disciplinary discourse on the question: What are principles of "good" engaged science and where are their limits?
Money and Society
Society is at a historic crossroads. It can choose to enable or to hinder changes toward a more socially just and ecologically sustainable economic system. But this transition is seldom discussed in public. The Research Group “Money and Society” aims to change this and to link economic aspects with cultural ones.
In recent years, concepts and practices of internationalisation have changed rapidly. In the Research Group on internationalisation, this change is subjected to critical reflection and it is discussed how internationalisation can be rethought with a view to global power asymmetries.
Art as Knowledge
Even if hardly anyone seriously discusses anymore whether, alongside the sciences, the arts likewise generate a kind of knowledge, the possibility of collaboration between the two still faces difficult and, moreover, unequal conditions.
Artificial Intelligence
The "Artificial Intelligence" research group of Die Junge Akademie would like to approach the topic through concrete applications of AI methods and thus enter into an interdisciplinary conversation about the possibilities and limits of selected AI applications. In doing so, the RG would also like to discuss technologically, socio-scientifically and legally informed regulatory proposals for AI use.
From a self-reflexive perspective, we ask: are there forms of science that are more usable for the political process and social development than others? And if so, what do these look like and what value is attached to new knowledge? Another focus of the WG is to apply the sustainability indicators that scientists use to measure environmental sustainability (for example, to evaluate certain technologies or policies) to scientific practice.
Posthuman, more-than-human and non-human
In a world in which the human is increasingly called into question by ecological crises and technical innovations, do categories of consciousness, subjectivity and intelligence need to be renegotiated? The Research Group explores the posthuman, more-than-human and non-human in its temporal density. Historical perspectives, present urgencies and future thought experiments are equally considered.
Language is so ubiquitous as a medium of communication that it is taken for granted. However, there are always occasions that challenge us to problematise the use of language. The Language Research Group examines the role of language in the sciences and arts from an interdisciplinary perspective. The members' areas of interest include linguistic accessibility, reducing complexity in scientific communication, translation processes and linguistic imagery.
Cultures of Debate
The research group ‘Cultures of Debate’ focuses on the role of academia in social discourse. What does it mean for a society when expertise and academic analysis no longer automatically hold a position of authority, but find themselves confronted with accusations of elitism similar to those that are currently being directed at journalism and politics? Does the public realm lack important intellectual figures with the power to influence political debates? And what would it take to change this?
Utopias as idealised images of social conditions inspired the changes of the past. In the Utopias Research Group, these ideas are analysed and reflected on from an interdisciplinary perspective. How can the potential of scientific and artistic utopias be utilised in order to gain insights for today's society?
Science policy
What next for German science? This is the central question addressed by Die Junge Akademie's Science Policy Research Group. In studies, debate contributions and events, it sheds light on the various aspects of the tension between science and politics from different perspectives.