- Research Groups
- Posthuman, more-than-human and non-human
Posthuman, more-than-human and non-human
In a world in which the human is increasingly called into question by ecological crises and technical innovations, do categories of consciousness, subjectivity and intelligence need to be renegotiated?
An English version will follow shortly.
Anne Hemkendreis
- person_research_subject
- History of Art
- institution
- Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- Phone
- +49 234/32-24683
- anne.hemkendreis@rub.de
Sarah Kim-Hellmuth
- person_research_subject
- Medicine, Human Genetics
- institution
- Helmholtz Munich
Birgit Nemec
- person_research_subject
- History of Medicine/History of Science
- institution
- Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
- Phone
- +49 30 450-529040
- birgit.nemec@charite.de
participating Members
Sanja Bauer Mikulovic
- person_research_subject
- Neuroscience
- institution
- Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie
- Phone
- +49 391 6263 93171
- sanja.mikulovic@lin-magdeburg.de
Maximilian Beyer
- person_research_subject
- Atomic, molecular, and optical physics
- institution
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Phone
- +31 20 598 38 40
- m.beyer@vu.nl
Radin Dardashti
- person_research_subject
- Philosophy
- institution
- Bergische Universität Wuppertal
- Phone
- +49 202 4392793
- dardashti@uni-wuppertal.de
Christopher Degelmann
- person_research_subject
- Ancient History
- institution
- Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Phone
- +49 30 2093-70511
- christopher.degelmann@hu-berlin.de
Julia Gurol-Haller
- person_research_subject
- Political Science
- institution
- German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)
Benedikt Hartl
- person_research_subject
- (activist) architecture
- institution
- Opposite Office
- Phone
- +49 176 56592902
- info@oppositeoffice.com
Racha Kirakosian
- person_research_subject
- German Medieval Studies
- institution
- Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Rona Kobel
- person_research_subject
- Sculpture, Photography
- institution
- Universität der Künste Berlin
- studio@ronakobel.de
Gisela Kopp
- person_research_subject
- Biology
- institution
- Universität Konstanz
- Phone
- +49 7531 88-5657
- Gisela.kopp@uni-konstanz.de
Jakub Limanowski
- person_research_subject
- Psychology
- institution
- Universität Greifswald
- Phone
- +49 3834 420-3756
- jakub.limanowski@uni-greifswald.de
Thorsten Merl
- person_research_subject
- Educational Sciences
- institution
- Universität Koblenz
- tmerl@uni-koblenz.de
Philipp Pilhofer
- person_research_subject
- History of Christianity
- institution
- Universität Wien
- Phone
- +43-1-4277-32603
- philipp.pilhofer@univie.ac.at
Philipp Rothemund
- person_research_subject
- Robotic Materials
- institution
- Universität Stuttgart
Christina Scharf-Janßen
- person_research_subject
- anesthesiology and intensive care medicine
- institution
- Klinikum der Universität München
Kai Siedenburg
- person_research_subject
- Acoustics and Music Psychology
- institution
- Graz University of Technology
- kai.siedenburg@tugraz.at
Mira Sievers
- person_research_subject
- Islamic Theory
- institution
- Universität Hamburg
- Phone
- +49 40 42838-3532
- mira.sievers@uni-hamburg.de
participating Alumnae / Alumni
Stefanie Büchner
- person_research_subject
- Sociology
- institution
- Leibniz Universität Hannover
Timo de Wolff
- person_research_subject
- Mathematics
- institution
- Technische Universität Braunschweig
Isabelle Dolezalek
- person_research_subject
- History of Art
- institution
- Universität Greifswald
- Phone
- +49 3834 420-3258
- i.dolezalek@uni-greifswald.de
Simon Wolfgang Fuchs
- person_research_subject
- Islamic Studies
- institution
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Michael Saliba
- person_research_subject
- Physics / Optoelectronics
- institution
- Universität Stuttgart
- Phone
- +49 711 685-67140
- michael.saliba@ipv.uni-stuttgart.de