Benedikt Hartl

(activist) architecture
Year 2023

Opposite Office

Vincitore del Premio Roma 2024/25 Studio 6 Largo di Villa Massimo 1-2, 00161 Roma

Technische Universität München


Portrait: Benedikt Hartl
Photo: Johanna Heim

Research areas

  • environment, climate and society


    • Please Irritate Me: Order and irritation

      How can breaking the rules foster innovation and why do we need a radical rethink in construction and urban planning?

      Peter-André Alt talks to architect Benedikt Hartl about how breaking the rules can foster innovation and why we need a radical rethink in construction and urban planning.


      Starts on
      Ends on

      Event access: Public

      Deutsches Architektur Zentrum DAZ
      Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6, 2. Hof / Eingang H1
      10179 Berlin

      19:00 — 20:30

    • Borders

      The current issue of the Junge Akademie Magazine is all about ‘borders’. This year's issue sheds light on how the drawing and crossing of boundaries characterises our society and science, and invites readers to explore the dynamic between control and openness from different perspectives.


      Garvin Brod, Radin Dardashti, Johanna Gereke, Benedikt Hartl, Anne Hemkendreis, Jakub Limanowski, Hanna Pfeifer, Leonie Wenz, Kathrin Wittler

      Berlin 2025

      Green and white lettering on a pink background with a box structure. The word ‘Grenzen’ (Borders) can be read. At the top it says ‘Junge Akademie Magazin - 2025 #31’.
    • Salon Sophie Charlotte 2024

      Andere Zeiten, andere Räume

      In 2024, the Berlin-Brandenburg Akademie of Sciences and Humanities will once again open its doors to the public and invite visitors to the Salon Sophie Charlotte. This year's event takes place on the topic of "Andere Zeiten, andere Räume" ('different times, different rooms'). The ten members of Die Junge Akademie who joined in the summer of 2023 will participate in the Salon with their own activity.


      Starts on

      Event access: Public

      Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Markgrafenstr. 38, 10117 Berlin Room 230