Activities overview

All activities 31 results

    • Borders

      The current issue of the Junge Akademie Magazine is all about ‘borders’. This year's issue sheds light on how the drawing and crossing of boundaries characterises our society and science, and invites readers to explore the dynamic between control and openness from different perspectives.


      Garvin Brod, Radin Dardashti, Johanna Gereke, Benedikt Hartl, Anne Hemkendreis, Jakub Limanowski, Hanna Pfeifer, Leonie Wenz, Kathrin Wittler

      Berlin 2025

      Green and white lettering on a pink background with a box structure. The word ‘Grenzen’ (Borders) can be read. At the top it says ‘Junge Akademie Magazin - 2025 #31’.
    • Democracy and Science

      Under the title "Demokratie & Wissenschaft" ("Democracy and Science"), the JAM #30 deals with the connections and interaction between these pillars of society.


      Andrea Binder, Christopher Degelmann, Anne Hemkendreis, Rona Kobel, Nadine Mengis, Senthuran Varatharajah

      Berlin 2024

    • Unspoken

      Under the title "Ungesagtes" ("Unspoken"), the five articles and one discussion deal with aspects that one would tend to contrast with and deduct from the ideal of objectivity of science as "subjective" parts. On the one hand, it is about what the researching subject brings into the scientific work in often subtle ways: own views, emotions, values, personal beliefs. On the other hand, the influence of everything subjective on human behavior is itself also a topic of research.


      Garvin Brod, Simon Wolfgang Fuchs, Julia Gurol, Sebastian Hellmeier, Viola Priesemann, Mira Sievers

      Berlin 2023

    • Image / Language

      Science is inconceivable without language. But what about images? In six articles, the new Junge Akademie Magazin explores this question from different perspectives. Additionally, the poster page poses the question, solely through pictures, of what influence such simple images as emojis have on our ideas of science and of scientists.


      Michael Bies, Bettina Bock, Benedict Esche, Stefanie Büchner, Isabelle Dolezalek, Martin Dresler, Benedict Esche, Boris N. Konrad

      Berlin 2021

      Grafik, auf der im Mittelpunkt das Wort "Bild" steht
    • Change of roles

      We all change roles in different life situations. This is not different in science, as the Covid-19 situation shows particularly clearly with regard to the role of scientists, for example as communicators and advisors of politicians. But role changes are also omnipresent as an object of science. Issue 27 of JAM approaches the topic from different perspectives.


      Astrid Eichhorn, Michael Saliba, Erik Schilling

      Berlin 2020

      Grafik mit farbigen Streifen und dem Schriftzug "Rollenwechsel"
    • Dissent!

      What would the sciences be without controversy - after all, science is also a competition of theses, methods and ideas. This is the starting point for the new issue of the JAM, which is devoted to dissent between various disciplinary perspectives. To this end, we have compiled strategies for effective debates from a wealth of historical disputes in science. There is also room for controversy over the redesign of the JAM, which is being published in this issue, for the first time, as a poster.


      Lukas Haffert, Oliver Rymek, Erik Schilling, Ricarda Winkelmann


    • Miriam Ackermann, Caspar Battegay (Hrsg.)


    • Rebellion und Revolution

      Die Freiheit, die wir meinen – zur Wissenschaftsfreiheit


      Miriam Akkermann, Caspar Battegay (Hrsg.)


    • Nutrition – On a Knife-Edge

      The Research Group ‘Sustainability’ has decided to focus more on the topic of food and agricultural practices.


      Tobias J. Erb (Hrsg.)


    • Borders – Overcoming Obstacles

      Editorial decisions are subject to their own laws. When we decided on “borders” as the focus of the dossier for the Junge Akademie Magazin, we had no way of knowing what a hot topic it would become by the time we went to press. And so, in light of border fences, border controls and maximum limits, our magazine is practically as current as a daily publication.


      Tobias J. Erb (Hrsg.)


    • Avant-garde – Between Reality and Virtuality

      What is new? What can be new? How do we want to shape the new or adapt the old?


      Evelyn Runge (Hrsg.)


    • Chance – and where it strikes

      Have you ever thought of turning poetry into DNA? And then letting it mutate?


      Evelyn Runge (Hrsg.)


    • Ennui and Ecstasy

      Time and our perception of time is the theme connecting the texts in the Dossier of this Junge Akademie Magazin (JAM) on Ennui and Ecstasy.


      Evelyn Runge (Hrsg.)


    • Research Expeditions – Routes to Knowledge

      What do you take with you when you travel? What do you bring back with you? And, above all, why do you travel in the first place?


      Evelyn Runge (Hrsg.)


    • A Guide to Failure

      If you fail, you have been unsuccessful, not fulfilled the expectations you or others had of you, have not reached your goal or have had to forego your wishes or dreams. Usually, failure has a negative connotation. But why is that?


      Evelyn Runge (Hrsg.)


    • Attachment – on Academia, Love, and Bonds

      In this issue of the Junge Akademie M agazin, we take a look at how closely the universe and academia are linked: The dossier examines bonds of almost all kinds – social, transnational, alien.


      Evelyn Runge (Hrsg.)


    • Visualisation – Do Pictures Create Knowledge?

      This issue of the Junge Akademie Magazin takes up the subject of visualisation in the dossier.


      Evelyn Runge (Hrsg.)


    • Karin Hofstetter, Jürgen Hädrich, Tobias Jentsch, Sabine Koller, Cornelis Menke, Klaus Oschema, Melanie Schnell (Hrsg.)


    • Jubiläum

      Zehn Jahre Junge Akademie von A bis Z.


      Jürgen Hädrich, Rafaela Hillerbrand, Karin Hofstetter, Tobias Jentsch, Kärin Nickelsen, Klaus Oschema, Melanie Schnell (Hrsg.)


    • Denkräume

      Das leibhaftige Ich Die Götter im Dialog mit der Gegenwart Kontemplation und Irritation


      Jürgen Hädrich, Rafaela Hillerbrand, Karin Hofstetter, Anke Jentsch, Tobias Jentsch, Kärin Nickelsen, Klaus Oschema, Melanie Schnell, Florian Steger (Hrsg.)


    • Wendepunkte

      Inspiriert vom Prinzip Natur Antwort auf erfahrenes Unrecht Keine Show mit Knalleffekten


      Jürgen Hädrich, Karin Hofstetter, Anke Jentsch, Tobias Jentsch, Jörg Müssig, Kärin Nickelsen, Melanie Schnell (Hrsg.)


    • Nur Mut!

      Freiheit und Faszination des Möglichen Lob der deutschen Universität Das verändert die Welt


      Karin Hofstetter, Anke Jentsch, Tobias Jentsch, Jörg Müssig, Kärin Nickelsen (Hrsg.)


    • Junge Akademie Magazin #8

      Nicht ohne meine Sprache Wovon träumen wir? Gemischte Gefühle


      Anke Jentsch, Tobias Jentsch, Julian Klein, Thomas Koop, Martin von Koppenfels, Jörg Müssig, Melanie Schnell, Ricarda Schubotz (Hrsg.)


    • Junge Akademie Magazin #7

      Zur Zukunft von Forschungsratings: vier Thesen der Jungen Akademie "Global Change"-Forschung: eine Welt in Schubladen und Gläsern Meeting other minds.


      Elisabeth Hamacher, Tobias Jentsch, Julian Klein, Thomas Koop, Martin von Koppenfels, Jörg Müssig, Melanie Schnell, Ricarda Schubotz (Hrsg.)


    • Junge Akademie Magazin #6

      Zufall und Realität: Grenzen der Quantentheorie Karriere der Lehre: Erosion des Humboldt'schen Prinzips, Preisfrage 2006


      Elisabeth Hamacher, Tobias Jentsch, Julian Klein, Martin von Koppenfels, Katharina Landfester, Jörg Müssig, Melanie Schnell, Ricarda Schubotz, Felix Thiele (Hrsg.)


    • Junge Akademie Magazin #5

      Alle reden vom Wetter, wir nicht: vom Klimawandel und der Veränderlichkeit des Meeresspiegels per.SPICE! – "Schau hin! Nimm's wahr!": Wirklichkeit und Realität des Ästhetischen Benimm und Erkenntnis


      Elisabeth Hamacher, Tobias Jentsch, Julian Klein, Martin von Koppenfels, Katharina Landfester, Jörg Müssig, Melanie Schnell, Ricarda Schubotz, Felix Thiele (Hrsg.)


    • Junge Akademie Magazin #4

      Rhythmen im Gehirn: das Spiel der "Brain Players" Preisfrage 2005: Wo bleibt die Zeit? Arbeit ist mehr als Beschäftigung


      Jürgen Hädrich, Elisabeth Hamacher, Julian Klein, Doris Kolesch, Martin von Koppenfels, Katharina Landfester, Jörg Müssig, Felix Thiele (Hrsg.)


    • Junge Akademie Magazin #3

      Was ist eigentlich Liebe? Vom Reiz zur Aktion Moralische Relativität Heureka Grenzen


      Jürgen Hädrich, Elisabeth Hamacher, Julian Klein, Doris Kolesch, Martin von Koppenfels, Katharina Landfester, Jörg Müssig, Felix Thiele (Hrsg.)


    • Junge Akademie Magazin #2

      Enzyklopädie der Ideen der Zukunft: Patente aus der Natur Beutegemeinschaft Bionik Manieren


      Julia Fischer, Giovanni Galizia, Jürgen Hädrich, Elisabeth Hamacher, Rainer Maria Kiesow, Julian Klein, Doris Kolesch, Martin Korte, Katharina Landfester (Hrsg.)


    • Junge Akademie Magazin #1

      Preisfrage 2003: Was im Tier blickt uns an? Musik aus den Wolken Die Gesetze der Gefühle Spontan geordnet


      Julia Fischer, Giovanni Galizia, Jürgen Hädrich, Elisabeth Hamacher, Rainer Maria Kiesow, Julian Klein, Doris Kolesch, Martin Korte, Katharina Landfester (Hrsg.)


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