A Guide to Failure

Issue #16


Evelyn Runge (Hrsg.)

If you fail, you have been unsuccessful, not fulfilled the expectations you or others had of you, have not reached your goal or have had to forego your wishes or dreams. Usually, failure has a negative connotation. But why is that? The answers given by members of the Junge Akademie (JA) in the dossier on “Failure” are amazingly positive. ‘Failure shows us the way to many other better questions,’ says Emanuel Towfigh, and according to Robert Wolf: ‘failure is part of our daily life.’

The idea for a dossier on “Failure” evolved during an ideas workshop in Weimar in winter 2012. Is self-determined failure a better kind of failure? Do you have to be clever to fail? Have you failed in academia if you do not get a professorship? In the dossier, we could only address some of the many questions. Members of the RG Sustainability investigated the successes and failures of sustainability in the context of finance, ecology and academia. The pieces by the economist Moritz Schularick,and the sociologist Magdalena Nowicka focus on how differently systems and individuals deal with (apparent) failure. Failure is related to social norms, which is why failure is often reframed in narratives. As the risk researcher Wolfgang Gaissmaier points out, biographies contain ‘the things that worked’ – and that, in comparison with the things that did not work, is not so very much.

In the second part of this issue you will find, as usual, reports on the various research and project groups at the Junge Akademie. The very first photo competition to be run by the Junge Akademie in collaboration with partners from the Netherlands, Russia, Scotland and Sweden was a huge success. More than 500 photos were submitted on the theme of ‘Visions and Images of Fascination.’ Turn to p. 28 to view the top ten images.

The editorial team and I hope you’ll enjoy reading our magazine! Evelyn Runge

participating Alumnae / Alumni

more publications

    • Borders – Overcoming Obstacles

      Editorial decisions are subject to their own laws. When we decided on “borders” as the focus of the dossier for the Junge Akademie Magazin, we had no way of knowing what a hot topic it would become by the time we went to press. And so, in light of border fences, border controls and maximum limits, our magazine is practically as current as a daily publication.


      Tobias J. Erb (Hrsg.)


    • Dissent!

      What would the sciences be without controversy - after all, science is also a competition of theses, methods and ideas. This is the starting point for the new issue of the JAM, which is devoted to dissent between various disciplinary perspectives. To this end, we have compiled strategies for effective debates from a wealth of historical disputes in science. There is also room for controversy over the redesign of the JAM, which is being published in this issue, for the first time, as a poster.


      Lukas Haffert, Oliver Rymek, Erik Schilling, Ricarda Winkelmann


    • Change of roles

      We all change roles in different life situations. This is not different in science, as the Covid-19 situation shows particularly clearly with regard to the role of scientists, for example as communicators and advisors of politicians. But role changes are also omnipresent as an object of science. Issue 27 of JAM approaches the topic from different perspectives.


      Astrid Eichhorn, Michael Saliba, Erik Schilling

      Berlin 2020

      Grafik mit farbigen Streifen und dem Schriftzug "Rollenwechsel"