Isabelle Dolezalek

History of Art
year 2019

Universität Greifswald

Caspar-David-Friedrich-Institut, Kunstgeschichte

Rubenowstr. 2b 17489 Greifswald

Portrait of Isabelle Dolezalek
Photo: Wally Pruss

Research areas


    • Committed against racism

      Science meets activism

      What can science learn from activists?


      Starts on
      Ends on

      Event access: Public

      Universität Greifswald & Katapult-Verlag

      15:00 — 13:00

    • Dialogue event: Support programmes for refugee scientists

      Members of Die Junge Akademie organize a dialogue event on aid programmes for refugee scientists on 21.06.2025 in Berlin.


      Starts on
      Ends on

      Event access: Internal

      Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
      Jägerstraße 22/23
      10117 Berlin

      14:00 — 18:00

    • Workshop „Rock Art“

      The members of the project WüstenWissen (desert knowledge) are organising a workshop on rock art.


      Starts on
      Ends on

      Event access: Internal

      Frankfurt am Main

    • 2023 – one day, one day at a time: Calendar 2023

      Beyond its organisational function as a yearly planner, Die Junge Akademie's 2023 calendar titled "2023 - one day, one day at a time" invites us to reflect on time and its patterns as integral parts of all life on earth.


      Anna Lisa Ahlers, Michael Bies, Isabelle Dolezalek, Rona Kobel, Hermine Mitter, Senthuran Varatharajah

      Berlin 2022

      Cover des Buchkalenders 2023 der Jungen Akademie
    • Image / Language

      Science is inconceivable without language. But what about images? In six articles, the new Junge Akademie Magazin explores this question from different perspectives. Additionally, the poster page poses the question, solely through pictures, of what influence such simple images as emojis have on our ideas of science and of scientists.


      Michael Bies, Bettina Bock, Benedict Esche, Stefanie Büchner, Isabelle Dolezalek, Martin Dresler, Benedict Esche, Boris N. Konrad

      Berlin 2021

      Grafik, auf der im Mittelpunkt das Wort "Bild" steht
    • Wissensstadt Berlin 2021: Wissen auf die Hand / Forschung on the rocks

      With the joint project "Wissensstadt Berlin 2021", Berlin as a location for research and science is presenting itself to a broad public this year by means of numerous events.

      Die Junge Akademie is participating with several activities. Among other things, it will be represented with two booths as part of a day of action on July 2, 3-8 p.m., on the square in front of the Rotes Rathaus. At the booth "Wissen auf die Hand", representatives of Die Junge Akademie will answer all questions about research and science. Next door at “Research on the rocks" glacier drilling can be tested - especially by the little ones.


      Starts on

      Event access: Public

      Platz vor dem Roten Rathaus, 10178 Berlin

      15:00 — 20:00

    • Change of roles

      We all change roles in different life situations. This is not different in science, as the Covid-19 situation shows particularly clearly with regard to the role of scientists, for example as communicators and advisors of politicians. But role changes are also omnipresent as an object of science. Issue 27 of JAM approaches the topic from different perspectives.


      Astrid Eichhorn, Michael Saliba, Erik Schilling

      Berlin 2020

      Grafik mit farbigen Streifen und dem Schriftzug "Rollenwechsel"