Timo de Wolff
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Institut für Analysis und Algebra, AG Algebra
Universitätsplatz 2 38106 Braunschweig
Research areas
Exhibition „Unendlichkeit – Leere – Lebendigkeit“ ('Infinity – Emptiness – Liveliness')
As part of the project 'Infinity – Emptiness – Liveliness', an exhibition will be held at the Planetarium in Hamburg from 25 January to 31 May 2025, presenting imaginations of boundlessness from an artistic, mathematical and physical perspective.
- Starts on
- 25.01.25
- Ends on
- 31.05.25
Event access: Public
Planetarium Hamburg
Linnering 1 (Stadtpark)
22299 Hamburg -
Vernissage „Unendlichkeit – Leere – Lebendigkeit“ ('Infinity – Emptiness – Liveliness')
As part of the project ‘Infinity - Emptiness - Liveliness’, an exhibition will take place at the Planetarium in Hamburg from 25 January to 31 May 2025, presenting imaginations of boundlessness from an artistic, mathematical and physical perspective. The exhibition will open with a vernissage on 24 January 2025 from 7 pm.
- Starts on
- 24.01.25
- Ends on
- 24.01.25
Event access: Public
Planetarium Hamburg
Linnering 1 (Stadtpark)
22299 Hamburg19:30 — 21:00
Leitlinien für unbefristete Stellen an Universitäten neben der Professur
Die Junge Akademie und die Mitgliedergruppe Universitäten der Hochschulrektorenkonferenz veröffentlichen gemeinsam die „Leitlinien für unbefristete Stellen an Universitäten neben der Professur“
Spring Academy Roggenburg 2024
Every year, the German Academic Scholarship Foundation offers a one-week Spring Academy at the monastery of Roggenburg for interested scholarship holders. At the next Spring Academy, some members of Die Junge Akademie will be leading working groups.
- Starts on
- 18.02.24
- Ends on
- 23.02.24
Event access: Internal
Kloster Roggenburg
Children's book „Young Scientists“
Together with Carl Hanser publishing house, Die Junge Akademie has published the children's book "Young Scientists - 30 Forschende und ihre Wege in die Wissenschaft".
Berlin 2023
WissZeitVG: a response to the key points paper of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Die Junge Akademie publishes a response to the key points paper of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research on the German Fixed-Term Academic Contracts Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz, WissZeitVG).
Berlin 2023
Final event "7 Adventures"
Lecture and discussion as part of the nationwide event series under the patronage of the Federal Minister of Education and Research Bettina Stark-Watzinger
After six successful events on "The 7 Greatest Adventures in Mathematics", the Millennium Prize Problems, the nationwide event series under the patronage of the German Federal Minister of Education and Research Bettina Stark-Watzinger is coming to its final event in Berlin. The focus of the event is on the "Yang- Mills theory".
- Starts on
- 18.11.22
- Ends on
- 18.11.22
Event access: Public
Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leibniz-Saal Jägerstraße 22/23 10117 Berlin
18:00 — 20:30
Mythos Promotion. Aber wie sieht die Kosten-Nutzen-Rechnung für die Doktorarbeit aus?
Im Rahmen einer Diskussionsveranstaltung am 9. November 2022 in Halle werden die Promotion und ihre systemischen Rahmenbedingungen von verschiedenen Seiten beleuchtet und diskutiert.
- Starts on
- 09.11.22
- Ends on
- 09.11.22
Event access: Public
Hauptgebäude der Leopoldina Jägerberg 1 06108 Halle (Saale)
18:00 — 19:30
Symposium „Technologie- und Innovationstransfer“
On November 7, 2022, the symposium “Technology and Innovation Transfer” will take place in Berlin, initiated and organized by the German University Alliance (UA) 11+, with the Junge Akademie as a cooperation partner together with the Stifterverband.
- Starts on
- 07.11.22
- Ends on
- 07.11.22
Event access: Public
Leibniz-Saal of Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
09:00 — 19:00
Views on the German Fixed-Term Academic Contracts Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz, WissZeitVG)
Die Junge Akademie proposes measures to improve the plannability of careers in science.
Berlin 2022
Kick-off event "The 7 Greatest Adventures in Mathematics"
Münster will host the official kick-off event of the series "The 7 Greatest Adventures in Mathematics" on 15 June 2022. The host is the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster - one of the seven locations dedicated to the Millennium Problems from June to November 2022. They are considered the central questions of mathematics. The mathematicians of Technische Universität Braunschweig Timo de Wolff (Speaker of the Board of Die Junge Akademie) and Sebastian Stiller will give a welcoming speech as initiators of the series.
- Starts on
- 15.06.22
Event access: Public
Hörsaal S8 im Schloss in Münster
18:30 — 21:00
Freundschaft: Kalender 2022
Ideal, Utopie und Notwendigkeit? Der aktuelle Kalender widmet sich dem Thema „Freundschaft“: ein Plädoyer für die Verbindungen von Wissenschaft und Kunst zur Gesellschaft.
Berlin 2021
Image / Language
Science is inconceivable without language. But what about images? In six articles, the new Junge Akademie Magazin explores this question from different perspectives. Additionally, the poster page poses the question, solely through pictures, of what influence such simple images as emojis have on our ideas of science and of scientists.
Berlin 2021
Berlin 2020