Activities overview

All activities 30 results

    • Conference „Sprache und Rhetorik des Bundestagswahlkampfes 2025“

      With a view to the Bundestag elections, the interdisciplinary conference is dedicated to linguistic topics in the research of campaign language and at the same time takes into account the social, political and media context.


      Starts on
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      Event access: Public

      Museum für Kommunikation Berlin
      Leipziger Str. 16
      10117 Berlin

      illuminated Bundestag dome at night
    • Vernissage „Unendlichkeit – Leere – Lebendigkeit“ ('Infinity – Emptiness – Liveliness')

      As part of the project ‘Infinity - Emptiness - Liveliness’, an exhibition will take place at the Planetarium in Hamburg from 25 January to 31 May 2025, presenting imaginations of boundlessness from an artistic, mathematical and physical perspective. The exhibition will open with a vernissage on 24 January 2025 from 7 pm.


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      Event access: Public

      Planetarium Hamburg
      Linnering 1 (Stadtpark)
      22299 Hamburg

      19:30 — 21:00

    • Infinity – Emptiness – Liveliness

      Die Junge Akademie and the Planetarium Hamburg cordially invite you to the vernissage of the exhibition ‘Infinity - Emptiness - Liveliness’ on 24 January 2025. In addition to a panel discussion, a film screening in the Sternensaal will introduce participants to the exhibition theme.


      Ein Nachthimmel mit Sternen, im Vordergrund ist ein Baumstamm mit Zweigen zu erkennen. Die Wörter "Unendlichkeit, Leere, Lebendigkeit" in weißen Großbuchstaben sind zu lesen.
    • Please Irritate Me: Fake news and meat consumption in antiquity

      Covering the fresh perspective of a young ancient historian, new methods in ancient history, and the ability to be amazed. Peter-André Alt in conversation with Christopher Degelmann.


      Starts on

      Event access: Public

      BRICKS Club Berlin
      Mohrenstr. 30
      10117 Berlin

      19:00 — 21:00

    • Please Irritate Me: Money from nothing

      Public discussion series by Die Junge Akademie and the Wübben Stiftung Wissenschaft: Peter-André Alt talks with guests about new perspectives in science and research. Series of events kicks off with Andrea Binder.

      Tax havens are not only used to hide financial assets, but also to increase them. Political scientist Andrea Binder investigates how this works and why this practice is so precarious. Global banks headquartered in Germany and elsewhere use offshore financial centers such as the Cayman Islands to hand out cheap loans in US dollars to other banks, corporations, and companies around the world. With every loan that is disbursed in US dollars, the offshore banks increase US dollar supply, they ‘create foreign currency’. This process is subject neither to financial supervision nor to political control, undermines rules that would apply to banks in their home markets, and contributes to increasing inequality.


      Starts on

      Event access: Public

      Berliner Sparkasse
      Alexanderplatz 2
      10178 Berlin


    • Young Network TransEurope: Call for founding members

      The Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW), the Junge Akademie and other European partners are calling on outstanding young scientists to apply to become founding members of the transnational and interdisciplinary Young Network TransEurope (YNT).


    • Spring Academy Roggenburg 2024

      Every year, the German Academic Scholarship Foundation offers a one-week Spring Academy at the monastery of Roggenburg for interested scholarship holders. At the next Spring Academy, some members of Die Junge Akademie will be leading working groups.


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      Event access: Internal

      Kloster Roggenburg

    • Manifesto „Reclaiming Europe“

      Die Junge Akademie and the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW), together with partner institutions, publish the manifesto "Reclaiming Europe" on the social and political role and responsibilities of the sciences and humanities in relation to Eastern Europe.



    • Workshop „Wissenschaft in der Debatte“

      On the role of the humanities, social sciences and law in political debates. What are the functions and consequences of their involvement?


      Starts on

      Event access: Internal


    • Reading "Migration, outer and inner. Identity, plural and none. Words, uttered and unheard" as part of the workshop "Archives and Identity"

      In an internal workshop and a subsequent public reading, members of Die Junge Akademie will work with the topic "Archives and Identity".


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      Event access: Public

      Weingut Andreas Dilger Urachstraße 3 79102 Freiburg im Breisgau

      18:00 — 19:30

      A puzzle with people standing next to each other. Some pieces of the puzzle are missing.
    • Workshop "Money and Society"

      In an internal workshop, members of the Research Group "Money and Society" discuss with external guests.


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      Event access: Internal


    • KlimaLecture #8 Energiemärkte und Klimaschutz

      Are European energy markets fit for climate protection? What measures are already in place at the European and national level to promote the energy transition - which is still necessary? Where do we stand today in Europe's energy transition? What are the most significant challenges? What will future climate-neutral energy systems look like - and can they function under today's market rules?

      Representatives of Die Junge Akademie will discuss these questions with Johannes Schmidt (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna) in the 8th ClimateLecture.


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      Event access: Public


      18:00 — 19:30

    • Spring Academy Roggenburg

      Every year, the German Academic Scholarship Foundation offers a one-week Spring Academy at the monastery of Roggenburg for interested scholarship holders. At the next Spring Academy, some members of Die Junge Akademie will be leading working groups.


      Starts on
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      Event access: Internal

      Kloster Roggenburg

    • Der symmetrische Fehlschluss. Kausale Asymmetrien in Politik und Politikwissenschaft

      Kolloquium „A/Symmetrie — Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven“

      Die praktische Politik versteht kausale Beziehungen häufig als inhärent symmetrisch. Der Vortrag von Lukas Haffert hinterfragt diese einfache Symmetrieannahme und argumentiert, dass viele kausale Beziehungen in der sozialen Welt inhärent asymmetrisch sind. Deshalb sollten die Politik, aber auch die Politikwissenschaft in ihrer Theorie und ihrer Empirie, asymmetrischen Wirkungsbeziehungen mehr Aufmerksamkeit schenken.


      Starts on
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      Event access: Public


      18:00 — 19:30

    • Kolonialität des Wissens und Asymmetrien in der globalen Wissensproduktion

      Kolloquium „A/Symmetrie — Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven“

      Der Beitrag von Julia Gurol thematisiert die kolonialen Kontinuitäten, die zu Asymmetrien in den globalen Strukturen der Wissensproduktion führen und diskutiert, in welcher Form Theorie in den Internationalen Beziehungen ihren Referenzrahmen über den sogenannten Globalen Norden hinaus expandieren und somit ihre konzeptuellen Ressourcen angesichts zunehmend globaler Herausforderungen erweitern kann.


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      Event access: Public


      18:00 — 19:30

    • 2023 – one day, one day at a time 

      Die Junge Akademie's 2023 calendar has been published.


      A double page from the calendar. Pictured is the artwork "Doppelgänger-Powered Beanpole Soul Sheets - Mesmerizing Mesh #61" by Haegue Yang. It shows abstract figures in white, yellow and black on a dark blue background.
    • 2023 – one day, one day at a time: Calendar 2023

      Beyond its organisational function as a yearly planner, Die Junge Akademie's 2023 calendar titled "2023 - one day, one day at a time" invites us to reflect on time and its patterns as integral parts of all life on earth.


      Anna Lisa Ahlers, Michael Bies, Isabelle Dolezalek, Rona Kobel, Hermine Mitter, Senthuran Varatharajah

      Berlin 2022

      Cover des Buchkalenders 2023 der Jungen Akademie
    • Transferveranstaltung „Technologie- und Innovationstransfer“

      Am 7. November 2022 findet in Berlin das Symposium „Technologie- und Innovationstransfer“ statt, das von der Universitätsallianz (UA) 11+ initiiert und organisiert wird und an dessen Ausrichtung die Junge Akademie gemeinsam mit dem Stifterverband als Kooperationspartnerin beteiligt ist.


    • Board of Die Junge Akademie condemns violence at universities in Iran

      The Board of Die Junge Akademie strongly condemns the excessive violence against peacefully demonstrating students, academics and staff on the Sharif University of Technology campus in Iran's capital Tehran last weekend. We clearly oppose infringements of the rights to freedom of expression, academic freedom, and discrimination of any kind.



    • Workshop „Global Publics and their Actors“

      Valeska Huber, historian and member of Die Junge Akademie, and the team of her Emmy Noether Research Group “Reaching the People: Communication and Global Orders in the Twentieth Century” will organize a one-day workshop on “Global Publics and their Actors” on September 9, 2022.


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      Event access: Internal

      Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

      09:30 — 17:00

    • Workshop "Schräge Vormoderne Herrscher in (Post-)Moderner Rezeption"

      Under the working title "Schräge Vormoderne Herrscher in (Post-)Moderner Rezeption" ("Weird rulers of the pre-modern era in (post-)modern reception"), Die Junge Akademie's Popular Culture(s) research group is looking at the fascinating figure of the Roman emperor Elagabal in correlation to contemporary actors. Among other things, it is planning a multimedia exhibition. A first internal workshop on the project will take place in Berlin from 19-20 August 2022.


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      Event access: Internal


    • Fireside Talk - RG Artificial Intelligence

      At the next fireside talk with the Artificial Intelligence research group, the guest will be Die Junge Akademie alumna Ulrike von Luxburg. Von Luxburg is a professor of computer science at the University of Tübingen and a fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems.


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      Event access: Internal


      16:00 — 17:00

    • Workshop „Sehnsuchtsorte“

      Members of Die Junge Akademie are organising the workshop ”Sehnsuchtsorte‟ (Places of Longing). The thematisation and staging of places of longing in various fields, such as literature, music, art, politics, philosophy, science and society, will be examined and discussed.


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      Event access: Internal

      Villa La Collina

    • KlimaLectures #7: Civil disobedience and climate change

      The 7th KlimaLecture of Die Junge Akademie will focus on the meaning and justification of climate protests. How far can protest actually go in a democracy? What is meant by the term civil disobedience? And under what conditions can even radical protest be considered legitimate? After a keynote speech by Robin Celikates, Professor of Social Philosophy at the Freie Universität Berlin and Deputy Director of the Center for Humanities and Social Change, Eva Buddeberg and other members of Die Junge Akademie will discuss these questions with him and the participants of the event.


      Starts on

      Event access: Public


      18:00 — 19:30

    • Fireside Talk "Das Ungesagte in der Wissenschaft" - Part III

      The Board's discussion series "The unsaid in science - religion, emotions and values - the somewhat different fireside evening" continues. Anne Peters, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law Heidelberg, is invited to the third virtual fireside evening.


      Starts on

      Event access: Internal


      19:00 — 20:00

    • diejungeakademie@ Theater Neumarkt Zurich

      +++ new date +++

      The Middle East as a utopia? Where could concrete starting points for new utopias in the region lie, beyond the realm of day-to-day politics? Simon W. Fuchs andCaspar Battegayof Die Junge Akademie will discuss these and other questions with other experts at the Theater Neumarkt Zurich.


      Starts on

      Event access: Public

      Theater Neumarkt Zurich

      20:00 — 21:30

    • Fireside Talk "Das Ungesagte in der Wissenschaft" - Part II

      The Board has launched a new series of talks entitled "Das Ungesagte in der Wissenschaft - Religion, Emotionen und Werte - Der etwas andere Kaminabend". Christoph Markschies, President of the BBAW and Chair of Ancient Christianity at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, is invited to the second virtual fireside evening.


      Starts on

      Event access: Internal


      19:00 — 20:00

    • Fireside Talk "Das Ungesagte in der Wissenschaft"

      Under the motto "Das Ungesagte in der Wissenschaft - Religion, Emotionen und Werte - Der etwas andere Kaminabend", the Board is launching a new series of talks. Cyrus Schayegh, Professor of International History and Politics at the Graduate Institute Geneva, is invited to the first virtual fireside evening.


      Starts on

      Event access: Internal


      20:00 — 21:00

    • diejungeakademie@Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden

      The social brain

      How we understand what others think and feel

      Philipp Kanske, Speaker of Die Junge Akademie and psychologist and neuroscientist at the Technical University of Dresden, visits the Deutsches Hygiene Museum Dresden as part of the event series diejungeakademie@.

      How do we understand what other people think? How do we manage to empathise with others? Our ability to move in social communities depends on having access to these inner, unobservable states of others. The evening will highlight how social neuroscience explores our brain's ability to empathise and adopt perspective. Does the brain reflect what is going on in others? Or does it build abstract theories? People also differ greatly in how well they can think and feel and how problems contribute to the development of mental disorders. During the evening, we will briefly try out practical ways of practising these skills.


      Starts on

      Event access: Public

      Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Lingnerplatz 1, 01069 Dresden

      19:00 — 21:00

    • Panel Discussion & Round Table: University Histories and the Place of the University Today

      What is the place of the university in contemporary society? What should be the physical characteristics of the university as a space in the public sphere? This event will reflect on these and related questions and bring the example of CEU to bear on the history of universities – and the other way around.

      We will be addressing the “place” of the university in a double sense: in terms of the complex relations between the university and society, and in terms of the physical space created by the university’s architecture. Depending on the university model, the social and political place of the university can vary dramatically: a research university arguably has a different role to play than a liberal arts college. Likewise, a university’s place on the urban map and its spatial organization can reveal much about how concepts of teaching and research have changed over time, about distinctions between academic and other forms of knowledge, about division and convergence between different disciplines, about the ways in which universities generate and transmit knowledge, and about the role they have played (or were meant to play) in public life.

      The event will be held in English. It is organized by Junge Akademie members Jan Hennings and Fabian Krämer and will take place in CEU's newly inaugurated building in Quellenstrasse in Vienna. It will bring historians of science and universities into a conversation with actors and planners of university life.


      Starts on

      Event access: Public

      Central European University, Quellenstraße 51, 1100 Wien, Österreich

      17:30 — 20:00

All results