• Events
  • Conference „Sprache und Rhetorik des Bundestagswahlkampfes 2025“

Conference „Sprache und Rhetorik des Bundestagswahlkampfes 2025“


illuminated Bundestag dome at night
Photo: Steffen Wahl (Pixabay)
Starts on
Ends on

Museum für Kommunikation Berlin
Leipziger Str. 16
10117 Berlin

Event access: Public

The event will be held in German.

It can be assumed that the campaign phase of the 2025 federal election will be different to previous federal elections: The media debates - including in the mass media and social media - appear more intensified than ever before. This also affects the debates on possible external influence on the discourse. Even in the run-up to the 2024 European and regional elections, there were signs that violence - and not just verbal violence - will play a role. It is possible that there will be a significant shift in political majorities in parliament. New parties will probably move in, old ones will fall out or be marginalized. Populist rhetoric - and the struggle to ingratiate or distance oneself from it - is omnipresent.

Typical linguistic topics in the study of election campaign language - such as metaphors, buzzwords, argumentation patterns or images - will therefore also be relevant in this Bundestag election. This perspective is to be expanded on an interdisciplinary basis.

Against this backdrop, members of Die Junge Akademie's Research Group "Language" are organizing this interdisciplinary conference with the “AG Sprache in der Politik”, which will focus on language and rhetoric on the one hand, but also provide a social, political and media context for the topic on the other.

The program is only available in a German version. You can register for the event here.

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