• Events
  • Salon Sophie Charlotte 2023

Salon Sophie Charlotte 2023


Starts on


Berlin-Bradenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Markgrafenstraße 38, 10117 Berlin

Event access: Public

Aufklärung 2.0

In 2023, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities will once again open its doors to the public and invite visitors to the Salon Sophie Charlotte - this year under the motto "Enlightenment 2.0. The ten members of Die Junge Akademie who joined in the summer of 2022 will participate in the Salon with their own activity.

The Enlightenment placed the human being at the center of the world. In the age of artificial intelligence (AI) and the Anthropocene, however, the category of the human is increasingly being called into question. Technological innovations, most notably Artificial Intelligence, can be interpreted as both the salvation and the demise of the human. Can the concept of enlightenment still be applied to such technology? Will we become witnesses of a triumph of enlightenment with previously unimagined possibilities of thinking and acting? Or is exactly the opposite the case: Are we watching humans abolish the human itself? These and other questions will be addressed by the ten new members of Die Junge Akademie together with the visitors to the Salon in three interactive formats.

19:00 - Language

In the context of AI and language, the question arises to what extent the use of AI-based text generation systems changes language and communication and whether this has an impact on the critical and independent expressiveness of humans. Can AI possibly offer us new insights and knowledge, or will it lead us to move to a new level of automation and dependence on machine thinking?

20:00 - Images

In the context of AI and imagery, the question is whether AI is capable of generating images and artwork on par with human capabilities. Can AI understand the meaning of artistic expression and art in social contexts? Can we discover new forms of artistic expression through AI or will its use in this field lead to the devaluation of human creativity and reproduction of social discrimination?

21:00 - Music

Finally, in the context of AI and music, the question is whether AI is capable of making creative decisions and creating compositions that can compete with the human ability to produce music. Are there differences here in terms of specific genres or musical styles? And what is the significance of AI for the development of music as an art form and as part of our cultural identity?

22:00 - Free Exchange

Further information on the Salon Sophie Charlotte of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities can be found here.

participating Members

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