Salon Sophie Charlotte
The Salon Sophie Charlotte at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities is an event that is open to all interested members of the public. It takes place annually, in the venerable halls of the academy and focusses on a new topic each year.
The salon is named after Sophie Charlotte Queen in Prussia (1668-1705), who campaigned for the founding of the first academic academy in Berlin and opened her summer residence (now Schloss Charlottenburg) for salons, lectures, discussions and musical events.
Since 2014 Die Junge Akademie has been actively contributing to the salon.
Salon Sophie Charlotte 2025
In 2025, the Berlin-Brandenburg Akademie of Sciences and Humanities will once again open its doors to the public and invite visitors to the Salon Sophie Charlotte.
- Starts on
- 18.01.25
- Ends on
- 18.01.25
Event access: Public
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Markgrafenstr. 38
10117 Berlin
Room 23019:00 — 23:00
Salon Sophie Charlotte 2024
Andere Zeiten, andere Räume
In 2024, the Berlin-Brandenburg Akademie of Sciences and Humanities will once again open its doors to the public and invite visitors to the Salon Sophie Charlotte. This year's event takes place on the topic of "Andere Zeiten, andere Räume" ('different times, different rooms'). The ten members of Die Junge Akademie who joined in the summer of 2023 will participate in the Salon with their own activity.
- Starts on
- 20.01.24
Event access: Public
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Markgrafenstr. 38, 10117 Berlin Room 230
Salon Sophie Charlotte 2023
Aufklärung 2.0
In 2023, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities will once again open its doors to the public and invite visitors to the Salon Sophie Charlotte - this year under the motto "Enlightenment 2.0. The ten members of Die Junge Akademie who joined in the summer of 2022 will participate in the Salon with their own activity.
- Starts on
- 13.05.23
Event access: Public
Berlin-Bradenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Markgrafenstraße 38, 10117 Berlin
Salon Sophie Charlotte 2022: Still, Life is Life
The Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities invites you to the Salon Sophie Charlotte 2022 - "still, LIFE IS LIFE". Hosting a special dinner party, Die Junge Akademie will contribute to the Salon.
- Starts on
- 21.05.22
Event access: Public
18:00 — 22:00
Salon Sophie Charlotte 2020
Am 18. Januar 2020 öffnete die Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften ihre Türen für die interessierte Öffentlichkeit und lud in den Salon Sophie Charlotte ein.
- date
- 28.01.20
Salon Sophie Charlotte 2020
In 2020, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities will again open its doors, inviting the public to the "Salon Sophie Charlotte" - this year on the theme of "Worldviews". The ten members of Die Junge Akademie who were admitted in the summer of 2019 are taking part in the Salon with their own campaign on the topic.
Worldviews are not only spatially and temporally limited, they are also influenced by social circumstances. Science is not exempt from this: Despite the ideal of objectivity, researchers' thoughts and actions are influenced by certain views of the world - scientific, but also non-scientific. The ten new members of Die Junge Akademie focus on scientific worldviews - and thus also on the worldviews of scientists!
- Starts on
- 18.01.20
Event access: Public
Link19:00 — 23:00
Drei Ebenen der Vermessenheit
Salon Sophie Charlotte: Mitglieder der Jungen Akademie widmen sich dem Thema „Maß und messen“
- date
- 08.01.19
Salon Sophie Charlotte 2018
Zehn Mitglieder der Jungen Akademie gestalten und bespielen im Rahmen des „Salon Sophie Charlotte“ der BBAW einen Raum. Dabei orientieren sie sich am Jahresthema der BBAW „Sprache“.
- date
- 25.01.18
Salon Sophie Charlotte 2018
Ten members of the Junge Akademie will be part of the "Salon Sophie Charlotte" at the BBAW.
- Starts on
- 20.01.18
Event access: Public
BBAW, Markgrafenstr. 38, 10117 Berlin (Raum 230)
"Code Poetry" at the Salon Sophie Charlotte
No idea what "Code Poetry" means? Maybe you should visit the Salon Sophie Charlotte at the BBAW.
- Starts on
- 20.01.18
Event access: Public
BBAW, Markgrafenstr. 38, 10117 Berlin (3. Stock)
Sprachvielfalt – von Wissenschaft, Poesie und Computern
Mitglieder der Jungen Akademie laden ein zu einer Reise durch die Sprachvielfalt.
- date
- 10.01.18