• Events
  • Salon Sophie Charlotte 2022: Still, Life is Life

Salon Sophie Charlotte 2022: Still, Life is Life


Starts on

18:00 — 22:00


Event access: Public

How can life be measured? How do we want to live together in the future? How do we shape our lives with nature? This year's Salon - a kaleidoscope.

This year's Salon Sophie Charlotte of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities seeks answers to questions about forms of measuring life and shaping life together with its guests. In times of pandemic and climate crisis, the fragility of life can be experienced clearly. At the same time, unimagined forces are mobilised to find new forms that make life - still - worth living. Join us in the Akademie building on Gendarmenmarkt to experience members of the Akademie, staff members of our research projects, scientists and artists in lectures, discussions, exhibitions and performances - a kaleidoscope of life.

Programme of Die Junge Akademie in Room 230

Under the title 'Saufen, Schlemmen, Sündigen', the ten members who joined Die Junge Akademie in 2021 invite you to a special dinner party. The members take their seats at the set dining table 'Dinner for Sinners', designed by Rona Kobel. As a mirror of the times, the installation deals with current topics such as the crisis of democracy, climate change, capitalism and abundance. In three rounds of talks, accompanied by artistic interludes, the members bring the dinner table to life. From their diverse scientific and artistic perspectives, they illuminate the field of tension between food, liquid or solid, as a basis of life and a means of enjoyment, as well as its social and political interconnections.

19:00 - Schlemmen (Feasting)

Linus Mattauch (economics, environmental policy), Thorsten Merl (education), Hermine Mitter (climate economics, agricultural sociology) and Viola Priesemann (physics) will illustrate the future of food using five possible scenarios for the agricultural and food system in Europe. Guests are invited to join in the discussion and contribute their vision of the future of food supply, value chains and food preferences.

20:00 - Saufen (Boozing) Christopher Degelmann (Ancient History), Racha Kirakosian (Medieval German Studies) and David Labonte (Bioengineering) take a look at the pleasure of drinking from the first sip to the hangover and provide food for thought with a selection of texts and songs to reflect on the cultural, historical and problematic aspects of alcohol consumption together with the audience.

21:00 - Sündigen (Sinning)

Johanna Gereke (sociology), Rona Kobel (sculpture, photography) and Senthuran Varatharajah (literature) focus on the theme of sinning. In an artist tour with performance, the guests will be guided through the table setting and in a reading they will explore the connection between colonialism, cannibalism and Christianity together with author Senthuran Varatharajah. The programme will be accompanied by chansons and small and large sins.

22:00 - Open discussion

An event of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the annual theme 2021|22 "Die Vermessung des Lebendigen" with the participation of the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA), Die Junge Akademie, the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes e.V., the Villa Aurora & Thomas Mann House e.V., the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities, the Max Planck Society, the Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH, the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, the Cluster of Excellence Temporal Communities and the Berlin University of Applied Sciences, supported by the Gerda Henkel Foundation and the Fritz Thyssen Foundation.

Registration is requested.

Further information on the programme can be found at https://salon2022.bbaw.de

participating Members

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