• Events
  • KlimaLecture #10: Climate protection and environmental policy: How can science-based advice for environmental policy succeed?

KlimaLecture #10: Climate protection and environmental policy: How can science-based advice for environmental policy succeed?


Starts on

17:00 — 19:00


Event access: Public

Climate protection requires centralised political measures. But to what extent are environmental policy reforms guided by scientific findings? Many researchers in the field of environmental, climate and sustainability issues consider their own work to be policy-relevant. But when are research findings actually taken into account in the political process? What measures can young researchers in particular take to increase the visibility of their own work in the political arena? Together with invited decision-makers from the federal level and European institutions, members of the Junge Akademie will discuss which factors are conducive to ensuring that science reaches the political process as effectively as possible.

Further information and registration will follow.


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