René Orth
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Modelling of Biogeochemical Systems
Tennenbacher Straße 4 79106 Freiburg
Research areas
- Research Groups
Children's book „Young Scientists“
Together with Carl Hanser publishing house, Die Junge Akademie has published the children's book "Young Scientists - 30 Forschende und ihre Wege in die Wissenschaft".
Berlin 2023
KlimaLectures #7: Civil disobedience and climate change
The 7th KlimaLecture of Die Junge Akademie will focus on the meaning and justification of climate protests. How far can protest actually go in a democracy? What is meant by the term civil disobedience? And under what conditions can even radical protest be considered legitimate? After a keynote speech by Robin Celikates, Professor of Social Philosophy at the Freie Universität Berlin and Deputy Director of the Center for Humanities and Social Change, Eva Buddeberg and other members of Die Junge Akademie will discuss these questions with him and the participants of the event.
- Starts on
- 09.03.22
Event access: Public
18:00 — 19:30
Wissensstadt Berlin 2021: Wissen auf die Hand / Forschung on the rocks
With the joint project "Wissensstadt Berlin 2021", Berlin as a location for research and science is presenting itself to a broad public this year by means of numerous events.
Die Junge Akademie is participating with several activities. Among other things, it will be represented with two booths as part of a day of action on July 2, 3-8 p.m., on the square in front of the Rotes Rathaus. At the booth "Wissen auf die Hand", representatives of Die Junge Akademie will answer all questions about research and science. Next door at “Research on the rocks" glacier drilling can be tested - especially by the little ones.
- Starts on
- 02.07.21
Event access: Public
Platz vor dem Roten Rathaus, 10178 Berlin
15:00 — 20:00
Change of roles
We all change roles in different life situations. This is not different in science, as the Covid-19 situation shows particularly clearly with regard to the role of scientists, for example as communicators and advisors of politicians. But role changes are also omnipresent as an object of science. Issue 27 of JAM approaches the topic from different perspectives.
Berlin 2020