Christian Hof
Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg
Lehrstuhl für Global Change Ecology
John-Skilton-Strasse 4a Hubland Nord 97074 Würzburg
Research areas
- Research Groups
Expedition Anthropocene
As part of the "Expedition Anthropocene" project, six members of Die Junge Akademie travelled to Ecuador from 22 February to 9 March 2020. They have recorded their experiences and findings in a publication of the same name.
Berlin 2024
KlimaLectures x KlimaDiskurse: An die Wurzeln. Warum wird nicht entschieden, was nötig wäre?
To the roots. Why is there no decision on what is needed?
"We need a new radicalism in political action" - this is one of the central messages of Bernd Ulrich, deputy editor-in-chief of the weekly newspaper Die ZEIT and co-author of "Noch haben wir die Wahl" (together with Luisa Neubauer, Fridays for Future). But why are decisions not being made on what would be necessary to solve the significant global challenges of our time, such as the climate crisis or the extinction
of species? And how can we achieve the required transformation of all areas of our lives and economies?
Representatives of Die Junge Akademie and the Bavarian Climate Research Network (bayklif) will discuss these and other theses with Bernd Ulrich at a joint event.
- Starts on
- 23.11.21
Event access: Public
18:00 — 19:30
Anreiz-Problematiken in der Wissenschaft
Mitglieder der Jungen Akademie fordern, gängige Leistungsindikatoren im Wissenschaftssystem zu überdenken und zeigen mögliche Wege zur Verbesserung von Arbeitsbedingungen und Erhöhung von Qualitätsstandards auf.
Berlin 2020
Berlin 2020