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  • KlimaLectures x KlimaDiskurse: An die Wurzeln. Warum wird nicht entschieden, was nötig wäre?

KlimaLectures x KlimaDiskurse: An die Wurzeln. Warum wird nicht entschieden, was nötig wäre?


Starts on

18:00 — 19:30


Event access: Public

To the roots. Why is there no decision on what is needed?

Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent all over the world. In Germany, too, heat records, violent storms and floods are increasingly common. The climate crisis is moving closer and closer to our everyday lives and is now threatening to impact us. Given these alarming facts, swift action would be necessary. However, governments and corporations are moving too slowly to implement the measures required to drastically reduce CO2 emissions, for example.

"We need a new radicalism in political action" - this is one of the central messages of Bernd Ulrich, deputy editor-in-chief of the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT and co-author of "Noch haben wir die Wahl" (together with Luisa Neubauer, Fridays for Future). But why are decisions not being made on what would be necessary to solve the major global challenges of our time, such as the climate crisis or the extinction of species? And how can we achieve the necessary transformation of all areas of our lives and economies?

Representatives of Die Junge Akademie and the Bavarian Network for Climate Research (bayklif) will discuss these and other theses with Bernd Ulrich at a joint event. After an impulse interview, Dr. Christian Hof, an alumnus of Die Junge Akademie and bayklif junior research group leader, Prof. Dr. Annette Menzel, professor at the TU Munich and scientific spokesperson of the bayklif network, and Prof. Dr. Linus Mattauch, research group leader at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and member of the Junge Akademie, will discuss Bernd Ulrich's points of view with him.

The event will take place in German via zoom.

About bayklif: The Bavarian Climate Research Network bayklif intends to strengthen research on the ecological and social consequences of climate change based in the Free State of Bavaria, Germany. To make its work tangible, the network enters into dialogue with interested people and is now launching the lecture series "KlimaDiskurse".

The idea for the format came from Die Junge Akademie with its "KlimaLectures" lecture series, which has been running since 2019. Together with Die Junge Akademie, the world's first academy for young scientists, bayklif is celebrating its launch "KlimaDiskurse".

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