Popular Culture(s)

What is popular culture? (How) does it differ from modern mass culture, pre-modern folk culture, and the culture of daily life? And what about the distinction between popular and élite culture(s)? What makes a cultural object popular? How is cultural popularity defined and what is it based on?

What is popular culture? (How) does it differ from modern mass culture, pre-modern folk culture, and the culture of daily life? And what about the distinction between popular and élite culture(s)? What makes a cultural object popular? How is cultural popularity defined and what is it based on? Is it the culture of the "lower class(es)" as opposed to a supposedly representative élite culture monopolized by the ruling class, which may even be subverted by the former as a kind of subculture? In fact, the antithesis between popular "folk culture" and a bourgeois "high culture" ascribed to the élite, which frequently implies a presumption of mutual exclusiveness, can hardly be maintained, neither for the past nor for the present. Such labels are often assigned as a result of a conscious effort on the part of a self-confident intellectual "élite" to distinguish itself. The popular component of culture is rather more complex, and the boundaries between "popular" und "élite" elements are blurred.


Workshop "Schräge Vormoderne Herrscher in (Post-)Moderner Rezeption

Under the working title "Schräge Vormoderne Herrscher in (Post-)Moderner Rezeption" ("Weird rulers of the pre-modern era in (post-)modern reception"), the Popular Culture(s) research group is looking at the fascinating figure of the Roman emperor Elagabal in correlation to contemporary actors. Among other things, it is planning a multimedia exhibition. A first internal workshop on the project will take place in Berlin from 19-20 August 2022.


Workshop “Theory in Literature”

On September 17 and 18, 2021, the workshop "Theory in Literature" took place at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences. It was organized by Michael Bies and Erik Schilling within the framework of the working group "Popular Culture(s)". It It was a follow-up to a workshop on "Theory Formation in the Signs of Literature and Art" held in Hamburg in 2019. In addition to current and former members of the Junge Akademie, other literary scholars and comparatists participated.


Cha(lle)nging Perspectives #1 Harald Schmidt

Whether it is sustainability, art, debate or artificial intelligence – all the big, important topics will be in the spotlight in the anniversary year of 2020. In the "Challenging Perspectives" lecture and discussion series, six research groups of Die Junge Akademie are presenting one evening each at the Heimathafen Neukölln in Berlin. Together with renowned guests from the sciences, arts and the public sphere, members will discuss current scientific and other major social topics. It is also about giving critical perspectives a voice in order to provoke interesting changes of perspective. The audience is invited to join in the discussion and develop new perspectives on much debated topics.

On Thursday, Feb 20, 2020, Harald Schmidt will be the guest of our Research Group "Popular Culture(s)".


Workshop „Utopian Media“

Die AG Populärkultur(en) veranstaltet am 7. und 8. Februar 2020 an der Universität Basel einen Workshop zum Thema „Utopische Medien“. Verantwortlich für den Workshop ist der Literaturwissenschaftler Caspar Battegay.

Das vollständige Programm ist hier zu finden.

The Research Group "Popular Culture(s)" is holding a workshop on "Utopian Media" at the University of Basel on 7 and 8 February 2020. The literary scholar Caspar Battegay is responsible for the workshop.

The complete programme can be found here (in German).



The Research Group Popular Culture(s), together with the Literaturhaus Leipzig e.V., organized the kick off event for the series “diejungeakademie@” as part of the 20th anniversary of Die Junge Akademie in 2020.

Four researchers, and members of Die Junge Akademie placed the form of Antigone against the backdrop of political events and cultural trends in society, and, from a historical, philological, literary, and philosophical standpoint, asked the question: How is she still relevant today? Excerpts were read aloud from Friedrich Hölderlins translation of Antigone (1804): reviled as they were written, to this day controversial, but powerfully spoken and now used more and more.


Workshop „The birth of theory out of literature and art“

On 12-13 October 2019, the Junge Akademie working group “Popular Culture(s)” met in Hamburg for a workshop on “The Birth of Theory out of Literature and Art”, organised and led by Michael Bies (FU Berlin) and Sebastian Matzner (King’s College London).

The workshop took its cue from the observation that influential theoretical works in the humanities but also in disciplines further afield, frequently engage with a relatively small number of literary texts and images as “touch stone” works for the theorisation that is undertaken. Examples include the role of Sophocles’ Oedipus the King for Freudian psychoanalytical theory, Derrida and Lacan’s work with Edgar Allen Poe’s The Purloined Letter, or recurrent engagements with Thucydides’ Peloponnesian War in theories of international relations.


Workshop „Eaten? Food and memory...“

On 16 and 17 April 2018, the AG Popular Culture(s) hosted a workshop on the topic "Eaten? Food and Memory in the Literatures of the World". The articles were published by Neofelis in October 2019.

participating Members

participating Alumnae / Alumni


    • Workshop "Schräge Vormoderne Herrscher in (Post-)Moderner Rezeption"

      Under the working title "Schräge Vormoderne Herrscher in (Post-)Moderner Rezeption" ("Weird rulers of the pre-modern era in (post-)modern reception"), Die Junge Akademie's Popular Culture(s) research group is looking at the fascinating figure of the Roman emperor Elagabal in correlation to contemporary actors. Among other things, it is planning a multimedia exhibition. A first internal workshop on the project will take place in Berlin from 19-20 August 2022.


      Starts on
      Ends on

      Event access: Internal


    • Workshop "Theory in literary texts"

      The research group Popular Culture(s) of Die Junge Akademie is organising a two-day workshop on 'theory in literary texts'.


      Starts on
      Ends on

      Event access: Internal


    • Antigone - Auftaktveranstaltung diejungeakademie@

      Am 23. Januar fand im Literaturhaus Leipzig die Auftaktveranstaltung der Reihe diejungeakademie@ statt. Im Zentrum stand die Frage, welche Aktualität die Figur Antigone heute aus politischer, kultureller und wissenschaftlicher Perspektive noch hat.


    • diejungeakademie@LiteraturhausLeipzig | Antigone - Myth and Modernity

      The Research Group Popular Culture(s), together with the Literaturhaus Leipzig e.V., will be kicking off the event series “diejungeakademie@” as part of the 20th anniversary of Die Junge Akademie in 2020.

      Four researchers, and members of Die Junge Akademie would like to place the form of Antigone against the backdrop of political events and cultural trends in society, and, from a historical, philological, literary, and philosophical standpoint, ask the question: How is she still relevant today? Excerpts will be read aloud from Friedrich Hölderlins translation of Antigone (1804): reviled as they were written, to this day controversial, but powerfully spoken and now used more and more.


      Starts on

      Event access: Public

      Literaturhaus Leipzig, Haus des Buches, Gerichtsweg 28, 04103 Leipzig

      19:30 — 21:00

    • Antigone – Mythos und Moderne: Diskussionsabend im Literaturhaus Leipzig

      Herzliche Einladung zum Diskussionsabend der Jungen Akademie am 23.01.2020 um 19:30 im Literaturhaus Leipzig / Auftakt des 20-jährigen Jubiläums der Jungen Akademie


    • Kochen erweitert den Horizont

      Kochen und Essen spielen in der AG Populärkultur(en) immer wieder eine wichtige Rolle. Lena Henningsen, Sprecherin der AG, erklärt, was diese Themen so reizvoll macht.


      Eine Frau mit schulterlangen rotblonden Haaren lächelt in die Kamera.