Michael Bies
Freie Universität Berlin
Peter-Szondi-Institut für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft
Habelschwerdter Allee 45 14195 Berlin
Research areas
Literature and Knowledge
Literature and Anthropology, Travel Writing
Literature and the Crafts
2023 – one day, one day at a time: Calendar 2023
Beyond its organisational function as a yearly planner, Die Junge Akademie's 2023 calendar titled "2023 - one day, one day at a time" invites us to reflect on time and its patterns as integral parts of all life on earth.
Berlin 2022
Image / Language
Science is inconceivable without language. But what about images? In six articles, the new Junge Akademie Magazin explores this question from different perspectives. Additionally, the poster page poses the question, solely through pictures, of what influence such simple images as emojis have on our ideas of science and of scientists.
Berlin 2021
Anreiz-Problematiken in der Wissenschaft
Mitglieder der Jungen Akademie fordern, gängige Leistungsindikatoren im Wissenschaftssystem zu überdenken und zeigen mögliche Wege zur Verbesserung von Arbeitsbedingungen und Erhöhung von Qualitätsstandards auf.
Berlin 2020