• Events
  • Wissensstadt Berlin 2021: Remembering, differently?

Wissensstadt Berlin 2021: Remembering, differently?


Starts on

15:00 — 21:00

Clärchens Ballhaus (Spiegelsaal), 10117 Berlin

Event access: Public

On the occasion of the joint project Wissensstadt Berlin 2021 („Berlin - City of Knowledge 2021“), the city of Berlin as a research and science location is presenting itself to a broad public in numerous events this year. The 200th birthdays of Hermann von Helmholtz and Rudolf Virchow, who both worked at the intersection of science, politics and society and who shaped today's "Knowledge City Berlin" in the 19th century, serve as the occasion for this project.

With an event titled "Remembering, differently?", Die Junge Akademie is also participating in the project. In this half-day event, members of Die Junge Akademie want to go beyond the birthdays of Helmholtz and Virchow and discuss forms of remembering and possibilities of writing history in the arts, science and humanities. In short impulses and joint discussions, we want to explore remembering the other in two stages.

The first panel will discuss how and to what end other histories can be perspectivised than those that are usually the focus of major anniversary celebrations: Stories such as that of the homosexual poet August von Platen or the jurist and journalist Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, an important pioneer of sexology and a champion of homosexual rights. And what other histories can be reactivated to bridge gaps in the canon of remembrance of the arts, science and humanities and, for example, to honour women in the history of philosophy?

Following this, the second panel will discuss which sources can be used to perspectivise history differently: History that is not centred on a single composer, for example, but makes it possible to experience music as historically changing free spaces and conditions of different musical interpreters, or a history of internationalism that does not turn to the metropolises but to the so-called periphery. And what do we gain from a historiography that looks not only at the Virchow Clinic's namesake, but also at the people who frequented it?

We cordially invite all who are interested to join us in reflecting on the remembrance of other(s) in the arts, science and humanities.


15:00 – Arrival, coffee and snacks

15:30 – Greetings and Introduction Michael Bies & Lara Keuck

15:45 – Perspectivising other histories Presenter: Michael Bies

Discussion with contributions by: Erik Schilling Sebastian Matzner Eva Buddeberg

17:15 – Break

17:45 – Perspectivising history differently Presenter: Lara Keuck

Discussion with contributions by: Roman Lemberg Birgit Nemec Valeska Huber

19:15 – Closing and conclusion until approx. 9:00 p.m.

Participating members of Die Junge Akademie

Michael Bies is a literary scholar and currently a visiting professor at the Peter Szondi Institute for General and Comparative Literature at the Freie Universität Berlin. In his research, he is concerned with perspectives on literature from the history of knowledge, with questions of literary theory and with literary reflections on work, especially craft.

Eva Buddeberg is a philosopher and former academic councillor at the Department of Political Theory and Philosophy at the Goethe University in Frankfurt. Her research interests include social philosophy, political philosophy and moral philosophy, with a focus on the critiques of religion in the early modern period and the Enlightenment.

Valeska Huber is a historian and researches international and global history, migration and mobility as well as political communication and world public spheres. She currently heads the Emmy Noether Research Group "Reaching the People: Communication and Global Orders in the Twentieth Century" at the Friedrich Meinecke Institute of Freie Universität Berlin.

Lara Keuck is a historian of science and philosopher of medicine. She researches the methods, conditions and change of knowledge about diseases in the long 20th century and is head of the research group "Validation Practices in the Biomedical Sciences" at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. Her work focuses, among other things, on the understanding and function of "history" in the consolidation of biomedical research.

Roman Lemberg is a musician, musical director, music dramaturge and performer. He works on opera and theatre productions at renowned national and international institutions such as the Vlaamse Opera Antwerp/Ghent, Théâtre de l'athenée Paris, Kampnagel Hamburg or Volksbühne Berlin. One focus of his work is the development of performances, exhibitions and concerts in which he stages historical performance formats in contemporary settings and focuses on the social aspects of performance.

Sebastian Matzner is a classical philologist and comparatist and a Senior Lecturer at King's College London. He works on ancient and modern literary theory, rhetoric and poetics, and ancient reception. His research areas also include sexuality history and LGBTIQ+ studies, and he directs the cross-departmental and interdisciplinary centre Queer@King's at King's College.

Birgit Nemec is Professor of the History of Medicine at Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. She leads two research groups in the field of the scientific and social history of pregnancy and reproduction and also conducts research on urban history and the politics of memory, among other topics.

Erik Schilling is a private lecturer in Modern German Literature and Comparative Literature at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. His research areas include novels and poetry of the 18th-20th centuries and literary theory. In current projects, he is concerned, for example, with interpretive cultures and the contemporary literary scene.

Please observe the hygiene rules of the venue: https://claerchensball.haus/hygiene/. Admission is only possible with a current-day negative test or proof of full vaccination or recovery.

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