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  • Guest at the annual conference of the Science Platform Sustainability 2030

Guest at the annual conference of the Science Platform Sustainability 2030


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Event access: Public

Astrid Eichhorn is a podium guest at the first annual conference of the Science Platform Sustainability 2030 (wpn2030), which will take place in Berlin on December 5th and 6th December, 2019.

At the conference "Sustainable Development: A Question of Science. Impulse und Innovationen für die Deutsche Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie", wpn2030 will, among other things, present its current work results and discuss them with actors from politics, science, business and civil society.

The Science Platform Sustainability 2030 has set itself the goal of implementing its sustainable development agenda by 2030 and achieving its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To date, sustainable development has not yet found its way into key policy areas. In order to strengthen the political relevance of sustainability and to make the design process significantly more effective, science in particular is called upon to provide the impetus.

In addition, science-based recommendations for action are to be presented to the Federal Government at the conference. The recommendations aim to strengthen and further develop the implementation and architecture of the German sustainability strategy - especially with regard to the upcoming further development of the strategy in the coming year.

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      Event access: Public

      Berliner Sparkasse Alexanderplatz 2 10178 Berlin
