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  • Workshop „Israel-Related Anti-Semitism”

Workshop „Israel-Related Anti-Semitism”


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Event access: Internal

There is great uncertainty both in German universities and in the art world. How can Israel-related anti-Semitism be recognised? What distinguishes it from legitimate criticism of Israeli politics? How should comparisons and exaggerations be dealt with, especially in view of German history? How is the discourse in this country changing in the immigration society?

Members of Die Junge Akademie would like to explore this topic in a workshop. With the help of invited experts, they want to look at existing definitions of Israel-related anti-Semitism (such as the definition of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance and the Jerusalem Declaration on Anti-Semitism) and gain an overview of the current state of research. The participants are to discuss the occurrence of anti-Semitic ideas and formulations in everyday language, the German leading media and social networks. The classification of the BDS movement will also be discussed.


Prof. Monika Schwarz-Friesel Prof. Julia Bernstein Prof. Uffa Jensen Prof. Lars Rensmann

The workshop will serve as preparation for a joint event with the Israel Young Academy on the same topic planned for 2023.

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