• Events
  • diejungeakademie@ home: Black holes

diejungeakademie@ home: Black holes


Starts on

17:30 — 18:45


Event access: Public

In light of current government advice on coronavirus, the members of the Junge Akademie will continue the event series diejungeakademie@ virtually until further notice.

Black holes and the fundamental structure of space and time

Black holes are among the fascinating objects in our universe. Recent scientific breakthroughs have made it possible to observe black holes directly - through detection of gravitational waves produced in massive black hole collisions, and even through the first direct image of a black hole. Nevertheless, these objects remain mysterious and arouse our curiosity: unlike other astrophysical objects, we will never be able to "see" the inside of a black hole because no information, not even at the speed of light, can escape from the black hole. So what is it that black holes hide from us behind their so-called "event horizon"?

Astrid Eichhorn, physicist at the University of Southern Denmark, invites you to a lecture on the fundamental structure of space and time which, according to physics, determines the interior of a black hole.

The event takes place via Zoom and is held in German. For participation, please register here: www.anmeldung.diejungeakademie.de

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      Starts on
      Ends on

      Event access: Public

      Deutsches Architektur Zentrum DAZ
      Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6, 2. Hof / Eingang H1
      10179 Berlin

      19:00 — 20:30

    • Summer plenary session

      The fifty members of Die Junge Akademie meet three times a year for a plenary session. The summer plenary session is held in Berlin.


      Starts on
      Ends on

      Event access: Internal

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      The fifty members of Die Junge Akademie gather thrice a year in alternating cities. In 2025, the spring plenary session will be held in Dresden.


      Starts on
      Ends on

      Event access: Internal
