• Events
  • diejungeakademie@ home: "Expedition Anthropocene"

diejungeakademie@ home: "Expedition Anthropocene"


Starts on

19:30 — 21:00

Event access: Public

In light of current government advice on coronavirus, the members of the Junge Akademie will continue the event series diejungeakademie@ virtually until further notice.

Expedition Anthropocene

17 days, 6 scientists, 1 project; following this motto, six members of Die Junge Akademie embarked on an expedition to Ecuador from 22.2.-9.3.2020. With access to several climatic zones and glaciers, the country offered the ideal destination to study progressive climate change and its effects on people, glacier retreat, biodiversity, acoustic ecological changes and micro-plastic occurrences in snow and ice. Yet the focus was always on the question: How is research actually done today?

After the screening of a short film, shot during the expedition, our members Miriam Akkermann (Musicology, TU Dresden), Christian Hof (Biology, TU Munich), Dirk Pflüger (Computer Science, University of Stuttgart) and Ricarda Winkelmann (Physics, PIK and University of Potsdam) share their insights and experiences. Participants are invited to discuss climate change, its effects on humans and nature, and the role that science has to play.

The event takes place via Zoom and is held in German. To participate, please register by 5 pm on 29.06.2020 here

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      Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6, 2. Hof / Eingang H1
      10179 Berlin

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      Starts on
      Ends on

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