
What is the diversity and pluralism like in the science system? The "Diversity" initiative would like to conduct a discussion on these topics in sufficient depth and breadth and approach them in a critical and reflective manner.

Grafik mit bunten, in verschiedene Richtungen blickenden Köpfen, bei denen nur die Umrisse sichtbar sind

Members of Die Junge Akademie have established the Diversity Initiative. This seeks to engage in a discussion of diversity and variety in the science system in sufficient depth and breadth, and to approach these topics in a critical and reflective manner. This is also intrinsically motivated, as Die Junge Akademie depends on the diversity of its members' perspectives, which form the basis for the academy's innovative strength and drive.

In addition, the members also see the opportunity, if not the necessity, to contribute important impulses to the broader scientific landscape. The topic of diversity is already being dealt with intensively outside Germany in some cases, and it is also increasingly on the agenda here - a good time for Die Junge Akademie to take the initiative and set new accents in this discourse.

participating Members

participating Alumnae / Alumni