885 results
Anna Lisa Ahlers
Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte (MPIWG)
Boltzmannstr. 22 14195 Berlin
Research areas
- Projects
- Research Groups
Internationalisierung im Fokus: Innenansichten aus dem deutschen Wissenschaftssystem
Internationalisation, quo vadis? Members of the Research Group Internationalisation conducted focus group interviews with 17 stakeholders within the German academic landscape. The results of the qualitative analysis of these discussions are summarised in this contribution to the debate.
Berlin 2023
2023 – one day, one day at a time: Calendar 2023
Beyond its organisational function as a yearly planner, Die Junge Akademie's 2023 calendar titled "2023 - one day, one day at a time" invites us to reflect on time and its patterns as integral parts of all life on earth.
Berlin 2022
Berlin 2020