Zu Gast im BMBF


Starts on

11:00 — 16:00


Event access: Public

Under the title "Good Working Conditions in Science - Towards a Reform of the Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act", the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is organising a discussion panel on 27 June 2022 to take a closer look at the results of the evaluation of the Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act and to discuss its further development with various science stakeholders. Doris Segets will represent Die Junge Akademie on the panel "Is there a need to reform the WissZeitVG?"

Diverse demands, interests and needs are in tension: How can more reliable perspectives and more predictability of careers be created, especially in the postdoc phase? What about alternative career paths beyond the professorship? How can the next generation be guaranteed opportunities for academic qualification? How can the best minds from Germany and abroad be attracted to science and retained? How can the efficiency of the science system and the ability of universities and research institutions to act be maintained and strengthened? What contribution can the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act) make as a law on fixed-term contracts in science?

The event will be livestreamed on this website (in German). Registration for this is not required.

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      Starts on

      Event access: Public

      Berliner Sparkasse Alexanderplatz 2 10178 Berlin
