• Events
  • Workshop „Spaces of (Inter-)Disciplinarity in the Humanities and Sciences“

Workshop „Spaces of (Inter-)Disciplinarity in the Humanities and Sciences“


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NIAS Amsterdam, Korte Spinhuissteeg 3, 1012 CG Amsterdam, Netherlands

Event access: Public

Fabian Krämer and Sebastian Matzner - members of the RG "Two Cultures of Sciences" invite to a workshop entitled "Spaces of (Inter-) Disciplinarity in the Humanities and Sciences" Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study. The workshop deals with the question of what a research institute should look like in terms of architecture, space and infrastructure to enable inter-disciplinary research, as an Institute for Advanced Study should do. The workshop approaches this question from both a historical and analytical angle. In the first session, we will inquire into the history of academic architecture: since when do we expect universities to be clearly defined architectural spaces? What efforts to enable collaboration across disciplines in the humanities and sciences can we discern in the history of science? In the second session, we will analyze the requirements for interdisciplinary research, and how contemporary architects have tried to facilitate it. Finally, in the third session, we will turn to the epitome of a research institute intended specifically for interdisciplinary research: the Institute for Advanced Study. We will seek to bring the findings of the first two sections to bear on the question of how an ideal Institute for Advanced Study would look like. The results of our workshop will serve as the starting point for an intervention by members of Die Junge Akademie into the current discussion about Institutes for Advanced Study in Germany within the German Council of Sciences and the Humanities ('Wissenschaftsrat').

Registration: Workshops@nias.knaw.nl

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      Event access: Internal

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