• Events
  • Workshop: Staging Normativity

Workshop: Staging Normativity


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Frankfurt am Main

Event access: Internal

The basis of this workshop is how normativity - understood as the claim to validity of legal rules - the starting point is the question of how normativity, understood as the claim to validity of legal rules, is made meaningful in different contexts and how an understanding of norms relates to the staging of norms.

The interdisciplinary impulse lectures will deal with the staging of norm setting as well as with the implementation of norms; in addition to texts, images and practices, spaces and architectures will also be addressed as forms or media. Such exemplary cases of the interaction between "validity" and "staging" from different epochs will be discussed, on the basis of which theoretical questions can then be discussed in a comparative manner and an approach to an important facet of normativity will thus be achieved.

The workshop will be hosted by Christoph Lundgreen and is addressed to the members of Die Junge Akademie.

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      Deutsches Architektur Zentrum DAZ
      Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6, 2. Hof / Eingang H1
      10179 Berlin

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