• Events
  • KlimaLecture #4 "Tipping elements"

KlimaLecture #4 "Tipping elements"


Starts on

18:00 — 20:00


Event access: Public

Lecture by Prof. Ricarda Winkelmann and Prof. Ilona Otto and subsequent discussion. Die Junge Akademie continues the event series KlimaLectures and invites to its fourth KlimaLecture on the subject of "Tipping elements".

Among the tipping elements in the climate system, are the ice sheets in Greenland and in the Antarctic, the great upheaval in the Atlantic, and the permafrost soils. These show a threshold behaviour: If they are strained beyond their respective critical limits by man-made climate change, strong and sometimes unstoppable and irreversible changes can occur - they tip over. Even the exceeding of individual tipping points would have environmental impacts that would endanger the livelihood of many people. There is also the risk of a domino-like chain reaction - such a "tipping cascade" would impair the overall stability of our Earth system.

Social tipping elements and tipping interventions are, in turn, mechanisms that could trigger the rapid spread of certain technologies, behavioural patterns and social norms. Some examples of tipping interventions are the abolition of fossil energy subsidies, while promoting decentralized energy production, the construction of greenhouse gas neutral cities, the sale of assets associated with fossil energy, the disclosure of possible moral dimensions of fossil energy, improvements in climate education, and a consistently transparent disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions.

Prof. Ricarda Winkelmann and Prof. Ilona Otto, both researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, will discuss the different dimensions of tipping elements in relation to climate change from their respective professional perspectives.

The fourth event on "Tipping elements" will be held online on Thursday, January 14, 2021 from 6-8 pm. You will receive the dial-in link after your registration.

The event is open to everyone interested and free of charge. Further information on the event and series of events can be found on the website.

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