• Events
  • Online event: KlimaLecture #3 - "Digitalization and Climate Change"

Online event: KlimaLecture #3 - "Digitalization and Climate Change"


Starts on

18:00 — 20:00


Event access: Public

The lecture series KlimaLectures of Die Junge Akademie deals with global warming and the human influence on our ecosystem. The third event will be on the subject of "Digitalization and Climate Change".

The digital transformation is in full swing - and it is changing and shaping the world of the 21st century like no other development dynamic. Dealing with and shaping digitisation is thus becoming a core task for the transformation of a globally sustainable development. But what path must digitisation take in order for it to make effective contributions to globally sustainable development? And what is the concrete approach to steering digitisation in the right direction?

Dr.-Ing. Stephan Ramesohl studied industrial engineering at the University (TH) of Karlsruhe and economics at the Université Aix-Marseille II (Maitrîse de Science Economique) and received his doctorate in the Department of Electrical Engineering/Electrical Energy Systems at the University of Paderborn. Since 2019, Ramesohl has been co-head of the research area "Digital Transformation" in the Department of Environmental Services at the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy gGmbH. His work focuses on the challenges, opportunities and policy approaches for a sustainable design of digitisation as well as digital solutions for the industrial transformation towards a climate-friendly and resource-efficient closed loop economy.

The third event on "Digitization and Climate Change" will be held online on Thursday, October 22, 2020 from 6-8 pm. You will receive the dial-in link after your registration.

The event is open to everyone interested and free of charge. Further information on the event and series of events can be found on the website.

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