Academic Policy Advice

Established institutions in the field of "academic policy advice" like foundations and other academic committees offer recommendations based on substantiated, stated and verifiable research results.

Research results of academics play an increasingly important role for political decision makers. Established institutions in the field of "academic policy advice" like foundations and other academic committees offer recommendations based on substantiated, stated and verifiable research results. As a transfer performance from academia into political practice, they are aimed at political decision makers, or, via the press or the internet, at the general public.

In the Junge Akademie, academic policy advice is not institutionalised at this point. However, members of the Junge Akademie are increasingly confronted with the expectation to take up a position on questions put to them externally concerning the situation of young academics. To form an adequate academic basis for these external expectations, and also to contribute to the Junge Akademie's self-conception in this field, the RG Academic Policy Advice planned activities in four are

participating Alumnae / Alumni