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  • Cha(lle)nging Perspectives Cultures of Debate with Chantal Mouffe

Cha(lle)nging Perspectives Cultures of Debate with Chantal Mouffe

press invitation


Cordial invitation to the lecture and discussion evening of the research group "Cultures of Debate" and their guest Chantal Mouffe on Wednesday, 24.3.2021 at 7 pm (UTC +1) via Zoom.

Research Groups

What role does arguing play in politics? By which rules and with to what end are arguments carried out there? And what about debate in academia?

The members of the research group "Cultures of Debate", Eva Buddeberg (Philosophy, Goethe University Frankfurt), Lukas Haffert (Political Science, University of Zurich), Valeska Huber (History, Freie Universität Berlin) and Christoph Lundgreen (Ancient History, University Bielefeld) will discuss these and other questions with Chantal Mouffe in the event series Challenging Perspectives.

Chantal Mouffe is a political scientist and professor of political theory at the University of Westminster in London. A co-founder of "radical democracy," she is a proponent of an agonal theory of democracy. Her understanding of politics is that it is a space of conflicts. In her work, she deals, among other things, with the tense relationship that characterises democracies: That between ideas of individual freedom and human rights on the one hand and equality and popular sovereignty on the other. Her recent publications are "Agonistics: Thinking The World Politically" (2013) and "For a Left Populism" (2018).

Die Junge Akademie's "Cultures of Debate" research group concerns itself with forms of discourse and cultures of debate in academia and society. Its members seek to understand the transformation that is has been shaking the political system and is also affecting academia.

Simon W. Fuchs (Islamic Studies, University of Freiburg), also a member of the "Cultures of Debate" research group, will guide through the evening. Chantal Mouffe will open the evening with an impulse lecture. Afterwards, the members of the Junge Akademie will discuss the topics of the evening with their guest. The audience is invited to participate in the discussion with their questions.

The event will be held in English via Zoom.

To participate in the lecture and discussion evening on 24.3. via Zoom, please register here: anmeldung.diejungeakademie.de

The event is part of the activities surrounding the 20th anniversary of the Junge Akademie. For further information visit: 2020.diejungeakademie.de or #jungeakademie2020.

Die Junge Akademie was founded in 2000 as the world’s first academy for outstanding young academics. Its members – who come from all academic disciplines as well as creative fields – explore the potential and limits of interdisciplinary work in new projects, aim to encourage dialogue between academia and society, and provide new impetus in discussions about scientific policy. Die Junge Akademie is supported by the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. Its office is located in Berlin.


Die Junge Akademie Christiane Caldari-Winkler Tel.: 030-203 70-650 presse@diejungeakademie.de www.diejungeakademie.de

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