The Recent History of Infectious Diseases

There is a consistent development of new germs that leads to as-yet unknown infectious diseases.

Research into infectious diseases, is therefore, still confronted with great medical challenges. Due to the continuous development and changes, not only do the foundations and mechanisms of infectious diseases have a high profile in science, but so does the field of research into infectious diseases itself.

The Research Group set itself, as a goal, the chronological and quantitative survey of the "recent history" of European research into infectuous diseases. Qualitative studies, especially, should contribute to answering the following questions:

International Conference

Aside from its studies, the Research Group contributed to the conference "Threat of Infection – Microbes of High Pathogenic Potential – Strategies for Detection, Control and Eradication" in July 2004 in Würzburg.

Publications and Survey

The Research Group published its findings in several papers.

participating Alumnae / Alumni