Minorities in the Past, Present and Future

Ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities are shaping today's modern society. Was this also the case in former times?

How does the present relate to the past in this instance, and how do such minorities position themselves in general between the retaining of their traditions and the assimilation to their surroundings? What social, religious, economic, but also aesthetic implications are connected to this?

Moreover, the surroundings, the 'rest of society' reacts to its own minorities and creates parameters for a mutual existence. Hence, a minority also influences a majority.


In a 2009 issue of the Junge Akademie Magazin, there was a contribution by RG members on different approaches to the forms of existence of minorities: S. Koller, V. Lepper, „Jude-Sein – Anders-Sein. Historische Wendepunkte und Konstanten jüdischer Minderheiten", Junge Akademie Magazin Nr. 10, p. 16 f.

Article (pdf, 141 KB)

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