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  • Die Junge Akademie seeks new members: Application period for 2025 begins

Die Junge Akademie seeks new members: Application period for 2025 begins

Press Release


Outstanding young academics and artists can still apply for a five-year membership at Die Junge Akademie until 11 November 2024.


From 4 September until 11 November 2024, young academics and artists from all disciplines can apply for membership at Die Junge Akademie exclusively online at diejungeakademie.de/en/mitglied-werden.

Die Junge Akademie accepts ten new members every year. Members engaged in interdisciplinary exchange seek new approaches to various challenges and research in joint projects and research groups connecting the sciences, arts, society and politics. Research funding is available for the implementation of their projects, as well as a personal budget for individual development.

Die Junge Akademie provides its members with access to a wide and continually growing network across all disciplines and the arts. “People from different disciplines and the arts work together at Die Junge Akademie. This diversity is also visible in our formats. Applicants are invited to present their expertise and creativity in their applications,” says Julia Gurol-Haller, Speaker of the Board of Die Junge Akademie.

Selection criteria and procedure

Membership of Die Junge Akademie is intended for outstanding academics and artists that can show evidence of a completed doctorate or a comparable artistic work. The date of the final examination of this work should be at least three, but no longer than seven years before the end of the application deadline (11 November 2024). Parental, care and sick leave are all taken into account. In addition to this, at least one further outstanding scientific or artistic achievement is expected. Alternatively, applicants must be able to demonstrate that they have achieved visibility with their own scientific or artistic profile. Candidates must have good knowledge of the German language. Active participation in the academy’s events, which take place primarily in Germany, is expected.

The annual selection takes place alternately via the supporting academies of Die Junge Akademie (the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina) and via Die Junge Akademie itself. The selection by Die Junge Akademie takes place based on the candidates self-application, followed by a two-step selection procedure. The election commission, made up of active members of Die Junge Akademie, views the applications and invites candidates to selection interviews to Berlin in February 2025. Admission of the new members will take place as part of the 2025 summer plenary session.

The call for applications for the 2025 election can be downloaded here (in German only).

More information about the process and the application platform: diejungeakademie.de/en/mitglied-werden

Die Junge Akademie was founded in 2000 as the world’s first academy for outstanding young academics. Its members – who come from all academic disciplines as well as creative fields – explore the potential and limits of interdisciplinary work in new projects, aim to encourage dialogue between academia and society, and provide new impetus in discussions about scientific policy. Die Junge Akademie is supported by the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. Its office is located in Berlin.


Die Junge Akademie
Anne Rohloff
Tel.: 030-241899-106

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