Singleton #WirBleibenZuhause

During the Corona crisis many of us are obliged to work from home, stay at home and limit contact with others. Many challenges come at the same time - professionally and privately, socially and technically.

The app Singleton #WirBleibenZuhause aims to tackle the challenges of the Corona crisis together, creatively and playfully.

During this time many of us are obliged to work from home, stay at home and limit contact with others. Many challenges come at the same time - professionally and privately, socially and technically. In order to master this challenge in a playful way, the member of Die Junge Akademie Christian Stein (German studies and computer scientist and co-founder of and his team developed the app "Singleton" #WirBleibenZuhause.

Singleton #WirBleibenZuhause is a game on the smartphone, which was developed at of the Humboldt University of Berlin. The game focuses on seeing the current situation as an opportunity and offers a variety of quickly implementable, entertaining and social ideas for everyday life in domestic isolation. During this time, many of us are obliged to work from home, stay at home and limit contact with others.

Many challenges come at the same time - professionally and privately, socially and technically. Singleton is designed to break down complex challenges into small, entertaining action nuggets. Like a card game, you can choose from a variety of small action nuggets. There are 50 special Singleton cards available for this purpose. They contain ideas, suggestions and calls for action to be carried out - and who reaches level 5 is crowned home champion. Singleton can be played alone or in a group with people who are not at the same place.

In this way, Singleton helps to master the current situation and to overcome big challenges step by step. The special edition "Singleton #WirBleibenZuhause" is free of charge, free of advertising and can be played on every smartphone (iOS/ Android).

The app can be downloaded here: IOS: Android:

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